Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

Get Paid to Create Your Info Products

Many people think that they have to take a year off to create their information product.
Or, that they have to finish creating their product before they market it.
What they don't realize is that the most effective products are actually built as they're delivered.
For example, if you use a teleseminar to create your information product, it is going to come out so much better with live, interested parties on the line than anything that you could have created sitting alone in your office, in a vacuum.
Also, when you create a product during a teleseries, you get live, on-the-spot feedback about whether the market is even interested.
It breaks my heart to see the people who spend six months and thousands of dollars to create an expensive product, and then they launch it, only to find out that it's a little bit off the mark.
Don't let that happen to you.
Here are five simple steps for creating your own information product from a teleseries-without putting your business on hold.
Remember, to get started, all you need is your expertise.
5 Simple Steps to Get Paid While Creating Your Own Info Product 1.
Offer a free preview call to as many people as you can round up, giving them a sample of your expertise.
On that call, offer the listeners the opportunity, for a nominal investment, to participate in a five-part teleseries and learn the deeper inner workings of what you teach.
Make sure to record the series, burn the CDs, and have the series transcribed.
Package the CDs and transcriptions in a binder with some nice artwork on the front.
Congratulations! Pop the champagne.
You just built the plane as you flew it! On this first round, it doesn't matter if you only have five students at $200 each.
What that means is that you were paid $1000 to create a product! And, as I said, that product will be of higher quality than what you would have created alone.
Plus, you get the instant feedback about your market's interest.

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