Health & Medical Diet & Fitness

Sonoma Diet Plan - Lose Weight and Feel Great

The Sonoma Diet Plan is really easy to use because you do not have to count points or calories.
The basic diet plan consist of the Mediterranean and Sonoma Valley, California wine.
But before you jump on board to this new diet you make sure it will work for you.
It sounds great sitting around eating great fruit and sipping red wine but let's talk about the facts.
The pros to the diet is that it is simple to do and instead of weighing food you use plates and bowls to control portion sizes.
Maybe one of the best things about the diet is there is positive reinforcement on what you can eat and not what is not allowed.
There are of course foods that are not recommended but there focus is on enjoying great quality and healthy foods.
One of the other important facts to remember is that the diet is about eating slower and enjoying your food.
This is important because it helps with digestion and it also promotes not over eating.
After the first 10 day period you are allowed to add wine to your diet as well.
This diet is big on eating healthy and promotes people to eat a lot of phytonutrients and antioxidants.
The diet is not based on starving yourself and the key is getting enough nutrition.
The metabolism rate is the rate at which you burn food and they promote keeping this high so that you will naturally burn the food you need to to stay lean.
The Sonoma Diet has a structure system that if you follow will help you loose weight and and have a healthy body.
Some of the cons to the diet is that you are on a limited number of calories in the beginning and it can be hard to find any alternatives but after a few weeks the calories increase.
The diet overall is pretty good and seems to be healthy and promote weight loss but make sure you take a look at all your options and make sure this diet can fit into your lifestyle.

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