Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

How to Care for a Skin Allergy

    • 1). Wash the skin immediately with a gentle cleanser to remove any trace of the irritant. Make sure your hands are carefully washed and do not touch your face or eyes.

    • 2). Take an antihistamine tablet, such as Benadryl. Antihistamines will stop your body from creating histamines, which fuel the skin allergy reaction.

    • 3). Use a topical cortisone cream to sooth the skin. Cortisone cream can be purchased in over-the-counter strengths and will calm most skin irritations. If you are prone to skin allergies or irritations, it should be kept on hand.

    • 4). Apply a gentle moisturizer to further calm and protect the skin as the irritation subsides. Avoid anything with harsh chemicals. Natural products, such as aloe vera gel, are your best option.

    • 5). See your doctor immediately if symptoms persist or worsen. While most skin allergic reactions are not a problem, there could be complications that need to be taken care of immediately.

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