1.) The Body Works as One Unit--In traditional bodybuilding the body is split into body parts. In everyday life or when competing in a sport the body does not function in separate body parts but as a whole. For example, throwing a ball is not an arm movement but starts with the feet & uses the whole body. Teaching the body to work as one unit is going to carryover(in life & sport) better than splitting it up into parts. The brain NATURALLY thinks in terms of whole motions not individual body parts! The brain(central nervous system)
is designed to select multiple muscle groups not isolated parts! Therefore training like a bodybuilder is actually UN-NATURAL!
2.) Bodybuilding Requires to Much Time--Training like a bodybuilder
requires alot of volume(sets & reps). Add to this the fact the body
is usually split into parts and soon you will be spending 6-8 hrs/wk
in the gym lifting weights. You want to focus on QUALITY NOT
QUANTITY. If you are already training regularly to play a sport(or
have a job, family- a Life!) you will find that you'll never have time to rest, which is when you repair and heal!!
3.) Bodybuilding Causes Needles Soreness-- Training with a traditional body-building split mentioned above means that each muscle group gets more work than if you work the whole body in 1 gym session. This also means that particular muscle group maybe extremely sore for a few days. This sore-ness can interfere with technical work and make it difficult to move smoothly, which will take away from your skill training. Remember as an athlete(or any-body for that matter) you are always looking for any skill training to improve
yourself, so being so sore you can't walk is something you should avoid!
4.) Additional Size Can be a Handicap-- The goal of bodybuilding is to add size without regard to athletic performance. Bodybuilding often leads to in-creases in the muscle size(added weight) that are not matched by relative increases in strength, therefore placing more stress on your body(making it work harder in a similar manner to a weighted vest).
5.) Slow Movements Do Not Carry Over-- The slow steady movements that
are used in bodybuilding will not help you increase your speed or power as much as doing faster, explosive work(size does not generate power speed does!) Bulky muscles are not a true indicator of strength(look at Gymnasts or the 117lb female Olympic weightlifter who can clean & jerk 250lbs!). You should try and lift the weight as fast(yet controlled) as possible to teach the body to fire explosively. Bodybuilding movements are slow and deliberate. If an athlete is slow and deliberate, he/she is in serious trouble!
is designed to select multiple muscle groups not isolated parts! Therefore training like a bodybuilder is actually UN-NATURAL!
2.) Bodybuilding Requires to Much Time--Training like a bodybuilder
requires alot of volume(sets & reps). Add to this the fact the body
is usually split into parts and soon you will be spending 6-8 hrs/wk
in the gym lifting weights. You want to focus on QUALITY NOT
QUANTITY. If you are already training regularly to play a sport(or
have a job, family- a Life!) you will find that you'll never have time to rest, which is when you repair and heal!!
3.) Bodybuilding Causes Needles Soreness-- Training with a traditional body-building split mentioned above means that each muscle group gets more work than if you work the whole body in 1 gym session. This also means that particular muscle group maybe extremely sore for a few days. This sore-ness can interfere with technical work and make it difficult to move smoothly, which will take away from your skill training. Remember as an athlete(or any-body for that matter) you are always looking for any skill training to improve
yourself, so being so sore you can't walk is something you should avoid!
4.) Additional Size Can be a Handicap-- The goal of bodybuilding is to add size without regard to athletic performance. Bodybuilding often leads to in-creases in the muscle size(added weight) that are not matched by relative increases in strength, therefore placing more stress on your body(making it work harder in a similar manner to a weighted vest).
5.) Slow Movements Do Not Carry Over-- The slow steady movements that
are used in bodybuilding will not help you increase your speed or power as much as doing faster, explosive work(size does not generate power speed does!) Bulky muscles are not a true indicator of strength(look at Gymnasts or the 117lb female Olympic weightlifter who can clean & jerk 250lbs!). You should try and lift the weight as fast(yet controlled) as possible to teach the body to fire explosively. Bodybuilding movements are slow and deliberate. If an athlete is slow and deliberate, he/she is in serious trouble!