Technology Electronics

How to Unlock Europe for a Garmin


    • Garmin sells GPS devices for different uses. You can purchase Trail Garmins, Road Garmins, Air Garmins and Water Garmins. Each device is preloaded with an updated map. Your location and the Garmin model will dictate which map is on your device.


    • If you want to unlock your device and download a map of Europe, do so by visiting the Garmin website. By entering in your model name and number and selecting Europe from the Continent drop-down menu, you can purchase a map of Europe for whatever purpose you choose (e.g. road or water).


    • If you already have a Garmin and would like to know which maps your device includes, find out by either referencing the manual that came with the device or by locating the website description of your product. Several Garmin devices come with maps of Europe.

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