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SEO Guide (Basics)

Team Sebizguru:-

Search Engine Optimization is act to gain a favorable rank on search engine. If you built a website it doesn't mean that users will come to visit it. Optimizing it with search engine properly is the vital aspect of success. We can start the process from basic following are some SEO tips Seobizguru has customized for users.

Targeted Keywords

Find out according to your customer what popular and apt search engine terms are is key to start you SEO. Optimized your site for those terms. Use it properly add synonyms that search engine may understand it properly.  " if your business is a computer shop in Dallas, optimize for "buy computer Dallas."  If you sell Apple computers, add synonyms to the page so search engines won't mistake your site for an apple (fruit) store. Keyword research tools are available to help you to accomplish the task of picking best keywords and phrases.

Tag Optimization:

Use keyword phrases in your tags and increase the chances of being graded as relevant in your niche. URL, title tags and images etc are important. Images are something that search engine cant read so always include proper image tag matching to your keyword phrase. Always include proper tags while making subheading <h1> to <h6> using relevant words.  Permalinks should contain keywords and titles.

Optimize Every Page:

Search Engine can send traffic to any visible page of your website. That is why optimize each page of  your website.

Content Is Important:

Above all content of your website is most important aspect to get a good search engine raking. Search engines are content friendly so keep updating your content. Search Engine ignores the static website. Blogs provides you a unique content management system (CMS). Keep updating news and events section of your website. And as they rightly say Content Is King. At the end of the day, what's most important is that people who visit your site get what they came for. In other words you are not only optimizing your website for search engine you are optimizing for customers as well.

Google Analytics:

Search Engine Optimization is not an evergreen act. It needs regular attention to maintain traffic flow and search engine ranking. Permanent effort is required to keep your website upgrade intelligently. Google Analytics for your website helps you to get an idea about customers and search engine trends. Visit it regularly to see what is the popular content at your website? What are popular keywords that customers are searched for? And from which part of the world you are getting good traffic using Map Overlay.


Links are fuel for SEO. Backlinks to your website play key role to get desired search engine ranking. Getting listed on link directories, Blog commenting, Social Marketing, and article submission of article directories some of ways to get useful backlinks.

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