Why Do You Get Hemorrhoids? The 3 Main Causes
Everything has a cause, whether you are talking about ill health or anything else.
A poor diet, composed of easy convenience foods that are deficient in vitamins and minerals is one of the main causes of hemorrhoids.
The body is a natural organism that requires natural products to make it function correctly.
Feed yourself up on processed breakfast foods, doughnuts, pastries, French fries and everything else that issues out of a food factory and you are heading for a date with hemorrhoids.
You are what you eat is a true saying.
Would you run a high performance Jaguar automobile on low octane petrol or diesel? Try doing that and the Jaguar will start to cough and splutter, it will not be able to see off a milk float at the traffic lights and given enough time it will conk out altogether.
Your body is a much more high-performance machine than any Jaguar.
Travelling along with living on a processed diet comes another hemorrhoid-causing evil - constipation.
Constipation is the result of eating processed food that has no fibre in it.
Your body simply cannot exist indefinitely on vast amounts of processed food that contribute little nutritionally and remove practically nothing in the way of waste and toxins.
High-fibre foods are an absolute must for the correct functioning of the body.
As high-fibre food chugs through the system it soaks up and removes the unwanted toxins that the body needs to expel.
It is a sponge that travels through and out of the body, carrying out with it substances that the body simply does not want or cannot process properly.
The third major cause of hemorrhoids is lack of proper exercise that leads to a sluggish condition of the body.
To use the car analogy again; if you have a car that you only use for shopping trips of under a mile and it never gets a good run out or a long-distance trip to blow all the muck out of the engine via the exhaust, then eventually the oil in the engine will get weaker and weaker and will not carry the lubricants around the engine as it was intended to.
Likewise, if your heart and circulatory system (the engine) are not worked beyond the absolute minimum then your body will become sluggish and the oil (your life-blood) will simply not be able to prevent illnesses such as hemorrhoids.
If you suffer from hemorrhoids then at least one of the above scenarios will be present in your body.
The more of the above conditions you have the more chance there is that you will be suffering from hemorrhoids.
It is a simple cause and effect situation.
I hope these tips have been of help to you.
A poor diet, composed of easy convenience foods that are deficient in vitamins and minerals is one of the main causes of hemorrhoids.
The body is a natural organism that requires natural products to make it function correctly.
Feed yourself up on processed breakfast foods, doughnuts, pastries, French fries and everything else that issues out of a food factory and you are heading for a date with hemorrhoids.
You are what you eat is a true saying.
Would you run a high performance Jaguar automobile on low octane petrol or diesel? Try doing that and the Jaguar will start to cough and splutter, it will not be able to see off a milk float at the traffic lights and given enough time it will conk out altogether.
Your body is a much more high-performance machine than any Jaguar.
Travelling along with living on a processed diet comes another hemorrhoid-causing evil - constipation.
Constipation is the result of eating processed food that has no fibre in it.
Your body simply cannot exist indefinitely on vast amounts of processed food that contribute little nutritionally and remove practically nothing in the way of waste and toxins.
High-fibre foods are an absolute must for the correct functioning of the body.
As high-fibre food chugs through the system it soaks up and removes the unwanted toxins that the body needs to expel.
It is a sponge that travels through and out of the body, carrying out with it substances that the body simply does not want or cannot process properly.
The third major cause of hemorrhoids is lack of proper exercise that leads to a sluggish condition of the body.
To use the car analogy again; if you have a car that you only use for shopping trips of under a mile and it never gets a good run out or a long-distance trip to blow all the muck out of the engine via the exhaust, then eventually the oil in the engine will get weaker and weaker and will not carry the lubricants around the engine as it was intended to.
Likewise, if your heart and circulatory system (the engine) are not worked beyond the absolute minimum then your body will become sluggish and the oil (your life-blood) will simply not be able to prevent illnesses such as hemorrhoids.
If you suffer from hemorrhoids then at least one of the above scenarios will be present in your body.
The more of the above conditions you have the more chance there is that you will be suffering from hemorrhoids.
It is a simple cause and effect situation.
I hope these tips have been of help to you.