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To p Hemorrhoid Remedies – Why Vitamin C Can Prevent Hemorrhoids

It's been shown that 89% of men and women will end up with at least on hemorrhoids condition before they turn 70 years old. This is a condition that can cripple anyone. Baseball player George Brett famously sat out some of the 1980 World Series because of a bad hemorrhoid condition. Former President Jimmy Carter also suffered from hemorrhoids.  Hemorrhoids can strike anyone and there are few hemorrhoids remedies that can cure them.  But there is one that can be purchased in any grocery store.

So what exactly are hemorrhoids?  It is frequently caused by lack of fiber in the diet, sitting on the toilet too long, and wiping too hard after going to the bathroom. This can cause the inside of the lower rectum and anus to become weak so they cannot adequately support the elasticity of the blood vessels. They can occur either inside the rectum (internal hemorrhoids) or outside the anal cavity.
They are extremely uncomfortable and can debilitate a person for weeks.

It's been shown that bioflavonoids can prevent hemorrhoids from occurring and heal a present hemorrhoid condition.  Foods such as oranges, soybean products, whole grains, and vegetables such as broccoli contain a lot of bioflavonoids. Bioflavonoids has been shown to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve overall circulatory health. That includes the walls of veins of the anus and lower rectum, which is an area highly concentrated with vessels. Consistent use of bioflavonoids can prevent hemorrhoids from forming since the vessels are strengthened and become less prone to irritation.

The best part is it's easy to get plenty of bioflavonoids in the diet.  Eating a lot of Vitamin C foods can help. There are supplements out there such as Avatrol which contains bioflavonoids. Supplements are great, but it is better to eat natural sources of Vitamin C since these foods also contain fiber that can also help prevent hemorrhoids.

There are times when a natural hemorrhoid treatment such as bioflavonoids can help someone cure hemorrhoids. However, it might be necessary for the patient to go to the doctor to get immediate relief from hemorrhoids. It's no need to be concerned since most hemorrhoids remedies can be performed quickly without visiting the hospital or undergoing anesthesia.

The bad thing about hemorrhoids is they seem to worsen as people get older. This is due to natural aging—most people's tissues get weaker with age and this can increase the precedence of hemorrhoids. However, using remedies such as bioflavonoids that are contained in foods rich in Vitamin C can result in a life without hemorrhoids. The good news is there are a whole slew of natural remedies that can be used as hemorrhoids remedies to prevent this horrible condition.

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