Home & Garden Home Improvement

Organize That Messy Closet

The first thing that you need to do when organizing your closet is to decide.
Which of these are the ones that are to stay? And which of these will go in a box that says "for donation?" After sorting the stuff in your closet, the next thing that you need to do is to get hangers.
Get three different kinds of hangers - one kind for your coats and dresses, another for your jeans, slacks and skirts and one more for your shirts and blouses.
While at the store, grab some containers for your undergarments, hankies, socks and sweaters.
You don't want to hang your sweaters because hangers deform your lovely sweaters.
After shopping, start zoning out your clothes.
Group them according to type and color.
The long sleeves should go together for an instance.
Hang them neatly.
What some people do is they let the clothes face one direction.
That way, it won't be difficult for you to take a good look at them when choosing what to wear.
You can also organize them from dark to light colors and from solid to pattern.
As for the shoes, group those with heels together, the flats in one row as well as the sneakers and flip-flops in a color coordinated fashion.
Your messy closet is something that you do not wish to uncover in front of anyone.
You might have promised yourself every New Year's Day that you'll have it fixed but you always fail in the end.
Organization, for that matter is actually a skill that you need to hone.
It needs practice.
So, maybe, you can start with your closet in order to be organized.
Who knows? You can be an organize guru someday.

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