Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Dandruff on an Itchy Scalp - Constant Itching on the Head

Dandruff Itchy Scalp: Do you suffer from it? I use to suffer from an itchy scalp that had dandruff.
At first I thought the problem was only dandruff related, but after unsuccessfully experimenting with every dandruff shampoo known to man, i knew there had to be something more.
There were often lots of flakes that showed up on my scalp.
My incompetent doctors were positive it was adult cradle cap and prescribed many different medicines that didn't cure the issue but made it worse.
When I had this issue of dandruff on my itchy scalp, sometimes I would get little scabs in several areas of my scalp.
These scabs showed up mysteriously, not from me scratching my scalp.
The worst problem was often at the crown of my scalp.
It usually improves if I make sure to switch shampoos every few days.
I wondered if it could be eczema but who was I to ask? The doctors I went to proved to be helpless and were just a waste of my money.
When I researched this issue on the internet, I found many opinions that suggested my dandruff itching scalp problem could be caused by shampoo allergies.
But I didn't think it was shampoo allergies because I had tried hypoallergenic shampoos in the past and they just made the condition worse as well.
My dandruff itchy scalp problem, when I suffered from it, caused me much misery.
I didn't know what else to do to get rid of the miserable condition.
If doctors and dermatologists couldn't cure me of my dandruff scalp itching problem, where else was I suppose to turn for help? The internet was flooded with way too many suggestions to follow and it would be financial suicide to try to follow every single advice on how to cure a dandruff scalp itching problem.
Needless to say, after many heartbreaking disappointments, I finally discovered the cure for my dandruff scalp problem.
I thank my lucky stars that I discovered this cure because if it wasn't for this remedy, my scalp would have deteriorated into a disaster.
It was on its way to it.
But thankfully, the cure put a stop to the deteriorating process and restored my scalp to the way it was BEFORE i ever developed any scalp problems.
No more itching, no more flaking, no more dandruff, no more bleeding.
This was truly a magic cure! But then you wonder, what is the cure? The cure is two part: 1.
Using a specific Proclaim Shampoo (this will stop the flaking within 24 hours) 2.
Using a specific combination of prescription medicines (no one medicine can cure severe dandruff scalp itching disorders).
If you have the same issue I had, and you want a cure, the above is what you need to obtain.
Once cured however, NEVER EVER neglect to wash your hair/scalp at least once a day.
If you don't take care of your scalp after being cured, expect for your dandruff itching scalp problem to reoccur.

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