Health & Medical Eye Health & Optical & Vision

How to Wear Contacts for a Long Time

    Making a Box of Contacts Last

    • 1). There are several types of contact lenses. Some are hard or rigid, but soft lenses are much more common. Soft lenses come in daily form (you take them out at night) and extended or continuous wear (you leave them in overnight, at all times). Each type has a recommended wear time before you are supposed to throw them away. If you take good care of the lenses, this time period can last a little longer. First, choose lenses that can be worn for at least a month, rather than daily disposables.

    • 2). Rinse your contacts with saline solution every morning before you put them in, and empty your case of old solution. Inspect them carefully to make sure there is no residue on the surface, or tears near the edges.

    • 3). In the evening, when you take them out, place each lens in the palm of your clean hand and apply saline contact cleaning solution. Some brands require rubbing to remove protein deposits, while others do not. Place your contact lenses back in their case with fresh storage solution.

    • 4). Many people wear contacts over twice the amount of recommended time, which isn't necessarily a good idea as it can lead to eye infections and other complications. You can, however, extend the wear a couple of weeks if you take good care of your lenses. When in doubt, consult with your optometrist.

    • 5). To give your eyes a break, alternate wearing glasses on some days. This will make your box of contacts last much longer, saving you money in the long run.

    Wearing Your Contacts Longer During the Day

    • 1). First, add a few soothing eye drops to each eye. If your eyes are dry or irritated to begin with, you'll find that putting your contact lenses in will only make this worse. Blink several times and allow your eyes to absorb this moisture before attempting to put your lenses in.

    • 2). Clean your contact lenses thoroughly. Make sure that they are free of any residue, punctures or tears, which can scratch or irritate your eyes. Carefully place a contact lens on the surface of each eye.

    • 3). Carry your eye drops with you throughout the day. Make sure you are using a solution that is appropriate for the type of lenses you wear: hard or soft. If your vision gets blurry or your eyes feel itchy and dry, add a few drops. Check the recommended dosage and do not exceed, however. Keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of water, which will also help your eyes from becoming dry and making it more difficult to see with your contacts in.

    • 4). By following these steps, you can comfortably wear your contacts longer during the day. However, you should never sleep in them, unless you use extended wear lenses, nor should you wear them for excessive hours everyday. Give your eyes a break during periods of extended wear by switching to glasses for a day or so.

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