Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Romance at Work

It's February and the month of romance.
Do your romantic intentions extend to the workplace? We spend a lot of time at the office and with the premise that you're an unattached grown-up; it's not unusual that you might find your "forever love" in the next cubicle.
A February, 2007 Fortune Magazine article said that only 22% of office romances ever make it to the altar.
Will yours be one? With work hours increasing and social time limited, it is understandable why we might only have time to fraternize with co-workers which could spark some romantic interests.
Employers do face risks when employees enter into these types of relationships.
They may wish to consult their attorney on forming policies about employee "involvements.
" Employers who know or who learn about a relationship between their employees, but choose to ignore it, could face claims for sexual harassment or hostile work environment in the future.
Some employers have policies that expect employees to be forthcoming.
They even may require that the couple sign a contract stating the relationship is consensual.
This is especially important if the relationship is between a superior and a subordinate.
These policies are often resisted because employees themselves could feel their privacy is being invaded.
So aside from that, is pursuing that office relationship right for you? Here are some considerations: Really Mr.
Right? Working together for long days and late hours can often cloud our judgments about people.
Make sure you really like the person and are not just looking for a diversion during work hours (i.
would you want to spend your weekends with this person? Would you invite them to meet your family?).
Do you know your workplace rules? As mentioned above, is pursuing this relationship worth jumping through the workplace hoops? Can you separate business and pleasure? Even if your relationship is going well, your co-workers want you to be professional at work (no kissing in the copy room!).
Most companies expect employees not to use office time and equipment to carry on personal business or communications.
If you want your office mates to continue to like and respect you, don't change your behavior at work just because you have a budding romance.
Can you handle the pressure? If you work together you may be competing for projects, praise or a raise.
Are you OK letting your new beloved advance ahead of you? If your significant other is your boss...
then you better be able to take direction and correction with a smile.
Can you face work in the event of a break-up? Of course, we know that new relationships are difficult and we often date a lot of people before we find the one of our dreams.
The office romance might be even more fragile and susceptible to break-up.
When that unthinkable day happens, will you be able to work every day with this person and watch them move on to another relationship? Will they? Your co-workers will also get involved and maybe take sides.
Now for a final thought, it's not always that way.
You might be one of the lucky ones and be receiving your Valentine's Day roses from your sweetie in the next office.

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