Family & Relationships Family & Relationships

What To Do When Your Man Withdraws

Love is sometimes difficult to understand and men can quite often be complex creatures for women who love them. Almost every man, at one time or another, is going to withdraw from the woman he loves. There are some definite steps that you can take to draw him closer and to keep from pushing him further away. Relationship advice can be tough to follow and, quite often, amazingly enough, the thing you should do is the exact opposite of what you feel like doing. And remember, relationship problems are just a part of the process.

First and foremost, give him space. It is natural to want to call the man you love or be near him when you think he is going through a hard time. Stop. That's right - simply stop. Men, unlike women, process their worry and anxiety differently than women. It is natural for us to think that his withdrawal is related to us and the relationship. That may be true, but not necessarily. And, even if it is, he needs time alone to overcome his fears. Your understanding and patience will work wonders.

Do not call him, do not ask him what's wrong. Instead, get busy with your life. Get involved in some activity or activities that will take your mind off of him and your relationship. He is quite capable of dealing with his own problems without your help. Allow him to do so. He truly doesn't need your relationship advice although you might feel desperate to give it to him.

When he comes back around, and he will if you allow him his time, be open and be happy. Do not have an attitude with him as to why it took him so long to call or to start talking again. As a matter of fact, it works best if you act as if you barely noticed he was gone. You might say something like, "It feels great to hear from you or to see you," but you don't want to make a big deal out of his absence. Instead, you should be filled with exciting news about your life and what has been going on. This relieves him of feeling responsible for your happiness and makes him think that being with you for the long haul would be light and easy, not dramatic and tough. Remember, men don't like to talk about relationship problems, so please don't try to make him do this.

Many women often wonder how long they have to wait for their man to get over his withdrawal. Unfortunately, every man is different. The decision is really totally up to you. His withdrawal may last a few days or it could last a few months. Since you are not putting your life on hold, it really doesn't matter how long it takes him.

My last words of love and relationship advice are to always remember that as long as you keep stepping toward him, he will keep moving back. If you instead step back and create the space needed for him to step forward, he will do just that.

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