Business & Finance Blogging

Article Writing is a Winning Strategy whenCombined with Blogging (Part One)

I am sure what I am about to tell you is common knowledge amongst seasoned Internet Marketers and Business Web Site Owners but it takes a lot of hard graft and several years of trial and error to get any business running profitably.
During this start - up phase there will be many sleepless nights and not much in the way of free time.
However the exponential growth of the Internet has turned traditional Marketing on its head and provided unheard of opportunities for those who have little start up capital.
One of the ways in which your message can reach a wide audience with breakneck speed is the ability to craft informative Articles covering your particular subject and areas of expertise and get them circulating.
A lot has been written about the importance of getting your articles published and circulating widely, in building confidence amongst your readers and subscribers and web site visitors.
Establishing your reputation as a trusted expert in your particular field can be built over time with a constant stream of articles and dramatically enhanced when your work is published elsewhere on the Internet, beyond the boundaries of your own web site.
Let's have a brief look at how you would go about this and what sort of results you could reasonably expect.
With the flavour of the Month now firmly resting with the mighty army of Bloggers, it is worth a quick look at how this could impact on your Article writing career.
Blogs have taken the Internet by storm because of the ease with which the every day aspiring writer and marketer can now, without any cost whatsoever, set up a Web-Log in half an hour or less! I suppose the most popular Blogging Host is Blogger.
and provides a reasonable platform to get started.
Many Web Hosting companies are providing alternative blogging software with the more traditionally named WordPress.
It is well worth trying out both these software programmes and seeing which suits you better.
My own preference is for WordPress but I am using both for several blogs.
The Wordpress dashboard is perhaps a little more intimidating initially but it has a lot of features that Blogger does not.
In a nutshell, a blog enables the average person to be published instantly and if you are prepared to take the time to learn the tips and tricks you will soon be posting regularly and will then have the impetus to go a couple of clicks up the ladder to composing fully fledged Articles which will stand along side the best out there.
This was my chosen route during the last year and the transition from wondering would it work to getting going, was the most difficult.
Having heard about blogs and articles for quite a while during web research it still took the compelling words of a master marketer to light the fire.
It is not too difficult to keep that fire burning once you see some results, however small they may be initially.
In my own case the first and very amateurish blog far outperformed the Web site with links in just two months.
The Web site had been going for five years, admittedly with not a huge sum spent on its development, but nevertheless it showed what can be achieved with regular posts or mini articles in a very short time.
Around this time the first articles were published including one that had sat on my hard drive for a year and it is the combination of these two separate strategies that works so well.
The key I was told in the beginning was to post every day if possible and at least three times a week for the first six months, before expecting any results! The results far outweighed the meagre expectations and continue to grow daily.
I am not going to tell tales of unimaginable riches at this point since it is very early days but I do believe that the combination of Blogging and Article circulation can make a huge difference to any web presence, given plenty of action and hard work with the pen.
Of course this is only one of the many avenues in making a viable business online or offline for that matter.
In part two we will dissect the various strategies that should be employed to make this work smoothly and hopefully persuade those of you out there who are still sitting on the fence to take some action...
no correction! Massive Action.
Want to know who the Massive Action Master is? You will have to look a little further to the authors' resource box thingy below and then do some Detective Work.
It would be worth your while since one good idea can sometimes change your life!

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