Society & Culture & Entertainment Movies

"The Tattooist" DVD Review Rating

The Bottom Line

Solid supernatural fare with a cultural twist.

  • Good production value
  • Well acted
  • Unique subject matter
  • Sense of humanity

  • Slow pace
  • Not scary

  • Starring Jason Behr, Mia Blake, David Fane, Robbie Magasiva, Caroline Cheong, Michael Hurst, Nathaniel Lees, John Bach
  • Directed by Peter Burger
  • Rated R
  • DVD Release Date: June 24, 2008

Guide Review - 'The Tattooist' DVD Review

The Movie

The New Zealand film The Tattooist isn't just a horror movie; it's a travelogue, a social commentary and a history lesson.

Such a triple threat could in the wrong hands put viewers to sleep, but it never settles into the tedium that could've been.

Co-written by Jonathan King, director of the NZ horror-comedy Black Sheep, The Tattooist follows Jake Sawyer, an American tattoo artist whose hook is that his tattoos have metaphysical healing powers. He travels the globe trying to find designs that have recuperative powers according to their respective cultures.

The latest one to intrigue him is the pe'a, traditional Samoan body tattooing (the word "tattoo" deriving from the Samoan tatau). Like a typical cinematic headstrong American, he "borrows" a tattooing tool from a group of Samoans he meets, but accidentally scratches himself with it in the process.

It's not long before Jake begins having nightmares and seeing visions of a shadowy figure. It seems that the stolen tool is cursed, and Jake has unleashed a vengeful spirit that targets anyone Jake tattoos by --- wait for it -- tattooing them to death! What sounds like a silly concept is handled in a straight-faced manner with skillful direction and acting and with a production budget that helps make the plot believable.

It's not terribly scary nor gory (the spirit barely shows itself), and the pace plods a bit as we sit through several tattoo sessions, but the intriguing peek inside Samoan culture breathes some fresh air into the otherwise standard tale.

The Tattooist is yet another ghost story in which the mystery behind the spirit's death must be solved to give it peace, but its above-average trappings, cultural uniqueness and emotional drama help it succeed where others have failed.


Special features include commentary, deleted scenes and featurettes.

Movie: C+

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