Does Asthma Have Any Treatments or Cures?
- Asthma is not curable or reversible, but is successfully controlled with a comprehensive treatment program. Asthma sufferers may experience relief by avoiding triggers that aggravate the condition. Allergies to air pollution, pollen and animal dander or fur are common asthma triggers.
- Asthma treatments are designed to control inflammation and constriction of airways to reduce chronic symptoms or provide relief during an acute attack.
- Anti-inflammatory medications, or corticosteroids, are taken orally or inhaled directly into the lungs to relieve asthma symptoms by reducing swelling in the airways.
- Bronchodilators are medications that are inhaled into the lungs to reduce acute symptoms by relaxing the airways so they open more fully.
- Immunotherapy, or allergy shots, reduce asthma symptoms in patients who also have allergies by desensitizing the immune system to allergens. Allergic reactions lead to asthma symptoms, such as wheezing.