- HTML stands for "hyper text markup language". It is the predominant computer language or code used when constructing webpages to be viewed on the Internet.
- The most common use for HTML is as a code for developing webpages and content for the Internet. Website designers and computer developers are the most likely professions to use HTML. The language uses a protocol of "tags" or brackets, which at the most basic level can be used to insert and format text, graphics, animation, links and sound on the Web. HTML can also be used to create structured sections within webpages, including lists, paragraphs, headings and tables.
- HTML "tags" are recognisable as they usually have a beginning and end bracket. For example, this tag string <strong>bold colour</strong> shows the word "strong" in a bracket before and after the words "bold colour". The end tag is indicated by a forward slash /.
- HTML is often used in conjunction with a number of other computer programming languages such as CSS or Java Script. HTML can be written in a plain text editor such as notepad ++, and there are many Web HTML editing tool software packages that display both the HTML code and a simple-to-manipulate graphical interface.
- One of the simplest ways to learn HTML is to go on a short course. The w3School online courses are simple to follow and provide a good structure to your studies.
- Follow a course of instructions from a well researched book. The O’Reilly range of books has a comprehensive list of study guides.