Renting to DSS Tenants Often Brings a Higher Degree of Risk
For rental property owners that want to be able to sleep at night knowing that in the event of some unforeseen problem their property will not become a loss; getting the proper insurance on their property is a no brainer.
For landlords renting to DSS clients, the need for insurance is multiplied as the risk to the property may be increased.
A special type of insurance (named DSS tenants insurance) for landlords renting to Department of Social Services clients should be taken out to properly cover rental properties.
Although commonly overlooked because most simply do not know it exists, this type of insurance provides protection against possible actions or accidents of DSS tenants that might damage the property or expose the owner.
With the rarely available DSS tenants insurance, owners can gain all of the peace of mind regarding their rental property that they enjoy with any of their other properties.
If there should happen to be a fire, theft or some other accident that destroys or damages the property, a good policy will provide adequate coverage against the owner's losses.
Should such calamity fall upon you as the building's owner, you won't find yourself holding the bag for the misdeeds or mistakes of tenants; you will be making plans for your building's renovation and enjoying a good cup of coffee.
Before you take the "life is a crapshoot" approach to protecting your valuable assets; consider what your life might be like if suddenly, without warning, you property is lost or damaged without insurance.
Then consider that warm cup of coffee by comparison and call an agent who offers DSS tenants insurance and get your building covered.
For landlords renting to DSS clients, the need for insurance is multiplied as the risk to the property may be increased.
A special type of insurance (named DSS tenants insurance) for landlords renting to Department of Social Services clients should be taken out to properly cover rental properties.
Although commonly overlooked because most simply do not know it exists, this type of insurance provides protection against possible actions or accidents of DSS tenants that might damage the property or expose the owner.
With the rarely available DSS tenants insurance, owners can gain all of the peace of mind regarding their rental property that they enjoy with any of their other properties.
If there should happen to be a fire, theft or some other accident that destroys or damages the property, a good policy will provide adequate coverage against the owner's losses.
Should such calamity fall upon you as the building's owner, you won't find yourself holding the bag for the misdeeds or mistakes of tenants; you will be making plans for your building's renovation and enjoying a good cup of coffee.
Before you take the "life is a crapshoot" approach to protecting your valuable assets; consider what your life might be like if suddenly, without warning, you property is lost or damaged without insurance.
Then consider that warm cup of coffee by comparison and call an agent who offers DSS tenants insurance and get your building covered.