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On Being a Poet

How can one become a poet? Where can a poet be published? These are questions I often encounter as a poet from aspiring poets.
One good place to inquire are chap house publishers.
Often chapbook publishers will publish a chapbook for a nominal cost.
A second avenue might entail self-publishing.
Many poets opt to self-publish to get their work visible.
In prior years, self-publishing was expensive and not favorably viewed upon.
Now, self-publishing is the norm for the novice.
Also, many veterans opt to self-publish to retain more of the royalties and control over their work.
Three places that do not charge a fee for content set up include: createspace.
com, lulu.
com, and cafepress.
The above mentioned companies charge only for books you order or that customers order directly from their site.
The publishers are able to do this via a process termed "print on demand.
" This feature saves a lot of time and money.
In 1987, I self-published my first book of poetry for $1500.
My how times have changed and might I add for the better! Most of the companies mentioned also have good marketing resources.
Marketing is crucial for poets.
Poetry is a very competitive genre.
As a result, marketing is crucial.
An effective poet will develop a market strategy for their work.
Book signings are always a good place to start.
I generally sell more books at my book signings than I do when they are just sitting on the shelf.
Another venue to publish for free is poetrypoem.
Develop and hone your craft on poetry poem.
Write as often or as little as you like and gain needed exposure.
Poetry is a difficult but not impossible field to break into.
On poetrypoem.
com people can get to know you and your work.
By writing on this site you can develop your audience and increase your odds of gaining a following.
Looking for a means to write and earn at the same time? If so, helium.
com is an excellent option.
com offers contests and earnings for different forms of writing.
Poetry is also a venue helium covers.
Helium is another great forum to develop an audience.
For the first time poet, while difficult, it is not impossible to secure a contract with a major publishing house.
An excellent source for information is Writer's Digest.
Trade publications are also helpful in this regard.
You might try Poets and Writers magazine.
Happy writing and publishing!

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