Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

Can You Make Online $ With This?

Let's see...what can I say that hasn't been said before? I promised myself that I would not 'sugar-coat' this; I'd pull no punches in my choice of words. And I will keep that promise.
If you're like me, you want to believe the best of people; that they have ethics and adhere to them.

Compelled by a well-worded email, I was interested enough to check out reviews in print and on video which were submitted in regard to claims made by one creator concerning the nature of the opportunity she was offering in her recently introduced 'Turn-key' program, Effortless Web-Cash Formula.

Is it Ethical?

The question of proper ethics raised reasonably by skeptics was based on the absence of the usual 'Money-back guarantee' for the customer's outlay. If there's a 'controversy' here, and let's face it, there is no such thing as bad publicity, it's a 'tempest in a teapot'. The creator does not skirt the issue; she addresses it right up front, claiming that the creation and ongoing hosting of a website for each customer is worth the price of admission, and more.

Nowadays, Internet Marketing, with its promises of financial independence, has brought thousands, actually hundreds of thousands, drawn to the promise of easy money. The dilemma is seprating the 'wheat' from the 'chaff'; which products represent a good investment, and which a waste of money? Here I will try to provide some basis for telling the difference. In a 'nutshell', it's this: product purveyors who stand by their merchandise and provide all possible assistance to users of the product, addressing all uncertainty and possible confusion on an ongoing basis demonstrate the proper mentality, creating a 'win/win' situation; the buyer does well, and so does the seller.
This is where this particular program does come across.

The design

The design is remarkably simple, and the initial presentation so well crafted, that it provides a kind of 'A-ha' moment, wherein it makes total sense. But cleverness is only an element-Not the key to this program. Once they subscribe, customers receive continual and comprehensive online support in the form of consultation, additional free ad copy, and expert advice from sources from all over the web.


To summarize, when a system comes along which can benefit not only those with the online savvy to exploit all of its potential, but also those who've had absolutely No Experience, I think it can be assessed as a fair deal. Purchasers get a ready-made website, which includes an autoresponder, and an informative Free ebook, which they can then offer to others. But the good news for beginners lies in the fact that they don't have to concern themselves with all the attendant details of running an online business. The business is run for them.

Is There A Catch?

Here it is: The entire outline is free, but following through on this program to carve out a substantial ongoing, online income requires a genuine multi-faceted effort, including the mastery of
some required internet business practices. It is doable.

Subscribers need primarily concern themselves with strategies for promoting their website. Meanwhile, all proceeds from subsequent website sales go to them, - 100%. Based on the feedback I found, overall customer satisfaction with this product was quite high. Do the math. Do the research. Learn as you go, and turn a profit at the same time. The comprehensive Ebook costs nothing.

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