Health & Medical Eye Health & Optical & Vision

How to Protect Your Eyes From Macular Degeneration

Macular degeneration is a terrifying disease that is the leading cause of blindness in people who are 40 years old or older though most people have never even heard about it.
What happens is a tiny fuzzy dot begins to appear in the center of your vision.
That tiny dot begins to grow as time goes on getting larger and larger until the fuzzy dot covers your entire eye sight range and all you see is blurryness.
I think now you realize why I described it as a terrifying disease or condition! In this article today I would like to discuss several things you can do to help protect yourself from macular degeneration and how to prevent it from beginning in the first place.
While there are some treatments available once it has begun, they are generally very invasive and scary for most people making prevention the far better alternative.
Macular degeneration seems to manifest itself in people whose diets are low in lutein and also zeaxanthin.
So the obvious thing is to increase the amount of foods that you eat that contain these things.
Luckily that's not all that hard to do.
Those two things are what we refer to as carotenoids.
Sorry about the big weird words but sometimes you just have to use them! Foods that are rich in carotenoids include grits, corn bread, eggs, orange juice, broccoli, and spinach.
Along with these foods you can also find them in orange peppers, squash, kiwi fruit, red grapes, and also in pumpkins if you can believe it.
Several of these foods also are known to have fairly strong cancer prevention properties as well making them twice as good for you when it comes to disease prevention overall.
I'm not saying that you have to eat all of these foods every day, but the more of them that you can incorporate into your daily diet the better off you will be in the long run.
Adding these foods to your diet may help prevent macular degeneration but really we shouldn't just focus on one single illness and instead should focus on eating a well rounded nutritious diet which will help to prevent you from getting a broad range of different diseases and health conditions.
Getting regular exercise can also be a very good way to lead a healthy lifestyle that will snowball and help you to prevent yourself from getting many different diseases and conditions.
So there you have several simple foods you can eat that will help prevent macular degeneration before it even gets started.
Just because you are over 40 years old does not mean you should lose your eyesight because it is one of the most precious things we have.

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