Business & Finance Careers & Employment

How handling employee relations can reap long term benefits?

Employee relations & recruitmentis a well-defined process followed in the management stream by the professionals to safeguard the manpower resources. Employee relations are crucial yet critical to handle since they form the backbone of any company. Employees are the driving force which through work develops desired outcome and performance, thus contributing in effective functioning of the company or the organization. Despite tremendous evolution of machines, manpower still continuous to be the reliable resource due to intellect and wisdom which machines cannot offer.

How employee recruitment process takes place?

Employee recruitmentis the 1st stage from where the employee relations initiate. HR managers and the consulting agencies try to be the best in front of the applicant during initial stages. Candidates applying for the job designations too are smart enough to understand the requirements and outlook of the company, represented through the HR leads.

Recruiting employees is the basic task which is based on the company objectives, policies, designation requirement. Depending on all these factors, the company plans a process to hire people for the respective openings. Relations with employees strengthen with time when the company presents to them with transparency.

Underlying factors for employee relations

Professionalism has to be followed not just said unlike many companies. However, there are various levels to recruiting like pre-screening the candidate profile, Aptitude test, interview, technical round (if required), HR round and more.

Once the employee clears all this then the company may hire on roll by providing the joining letter with 3-6 months of probation asper suitability. On evaluating the performance of the applicant after the probation, a letter of appointment puts the employee on permanent payroll.

Employee relationsprimarily come to play when difference of opinion at work occurs. This may be regarding anything from projects, team leaders, salary issues, PF deposits, employee benefits,and insurance, HRA, DA and more. During these phases, manpower managers have to bridge the gap created between the employee and the organization by satisfying or counseling the employee, retaining the organization standards and protocols.
If company is successful to maintain relations with their existing and earlier employees then this can be the biggest asset today. If the manpower is contended then it reflects directly in the performance, thus making them loyal towards the organization. It leads to uniformity and even scale of growth which may be subject to change if employees for one position are changed often. Attrition rate has to be controlled else it might affect the quality of service provided by the company which may lack the uniformity.

Employee relations & recruitmentare the main hindrances today for many growing and established companies. This instance arises due to variability of the manpower resources and frequently changing interests. Handling employees in the long run can become a valuable asset if management takes care while understanding the needs of the staff, keeping the business goals intact.

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