Improve Your Songwriting With This Power Nouns Example
Power nouns are essential to create interesting names of persons, places and things in your lyrics. This songwriting secret is simple. The more power nouns you can include the better. Use them to be specific in your songwriting.
Here are two examples. Which of each pair is more interesting?
-The man walked down the road.
-Charlie walked down Heartbreak Ave.
-The girl twirled her hair and ate desert
-Bonnie twirled her golden hair and ate strawberry ice cream
Notice its not just any old road but Heartbreak road. This gives the road a whole new dimension. In this case it doesnt give location information but a sense of the history of the road. Just like strawberry ice cream is much more vivid and descriptive. Its creates a much clearer image in the mind.
Also notice Ive included Charlie instead of the man and Bonnie instead of the girl. Very simple to do and it gives the characters in your song a human face the listener can imagine.
The lyrics with more detail, i.e. power nouns naming everything are more interesting to listeners. Its a fact. It draws the listener into your story. Its like gossip. What good is it if you dont know who or what its referring to.
Its the way people are hardwired. They may not know it but they need/love the juicy parts to a story. Providing the listener names plays on this need. It makes your story much more real and believable to them. Thats what you want. You want the listener drawn in by the story you are weaving.
The other thing this technique will do is make your songs stand out above all the other songwriters who dont use this technique. Its that simple, most armature song writers dont do to well at including lots of interesting names. Now you have a leg up on them.
Be ruthless in your song, name everything. Pack it with names of everything you can think of. Basically if it's worth mentioning in your song, it's worth finding a way to name it.
You will sometimes catch yourself saying "oh it won't fit" or "people will understand" etc. That may be true, people may understand, but that's not the point. Getting your listener hooked emotionally is how to write songs that will stand out.
Power nouns are your best friend, doing everything you can to get them into your songwriting game. Over doing it is possible; however you will be surprised at how many power nouns you can fit into your song. You still need an interesting story and all the rest of proper songwriting technique.
Try this, use a person's name in the title of you next five songs. That means the name should likely also be in the hook line of your chorus. Just that alone will make your songs more interesting. Again look at the great songs out there and see how many use names in the titles.
Using as many power nouns as possible is how to write songs that people will remember and thats good for you the songwriter.
Here are two examples. Which of each pair is more interesting?
-The man walked down the road.
-Charlie walked down Heartbreak Ave.
-The girl twirled her hair and ate desert
-Bonnie twirled her golden hair and ate strawberry ice cream
Notice its not just any old road but Heartbreak road. This gives the road a whole new dimension. In this case it doesnt give location information but a sense of the history of the road. Just like strawberry ice cream is much more vivid and descriptive. Its creates a much clearer image in the mind.
Also notice Ive included Charlie instead of the man and Bonnie instead of the girl. Very simple to do and it gives the characters in your song a human face the listener can imagine.
The lyrics with more detail, i.e. power nouns naming everything are more interesting to listeners. Its a fact. It draws the listener into your story. Its like gossip. What good is it if you dont know who or what its referring to.
Its the way people are hardwired. They may not know it but they need/love the juicy parts to a story. Providing the listener names plays on this need. It makes your story much more real and believable to them. Thats what you want. You want the listener drawn in by the story you are weaving.
The other thing this technique will do is make your songs stand out above all the other songwriters who dont use this technique. Its that simple, most armature song writers dont do to well at including lots of interesting names. Now you have a leg up on them.
Be ruthless in your song, name everything. Pack it with names of everything you can think of. Basically if it's worth mentioning in your song, it's worth finding a way to name it.
You will sometimes catch yourself saying "oh it won't fit" or "people will understand" etc. That may be true, people may understand, but that's not the point. Getting your listener hooked emotionally is how to write songs that will stand out.
Power nouns are your best friend, doing everything you can to get them into your songwriting game. Over doing it is possible; however you will be surprised at how many power nouns you can fit into your song. You still need an interesting story and all the rest of proper songwriting technique.
Try this, use a person's name in the title of you next five songs. That means the name should likely also be in the hook line of your chorus. Just that alone will make your songs more interesting. Again look at the great songs out there and see how many use names in the titles.
Using as many power nouns as possible is how to write songs that people will remember and thats good for you the songwriter.