Help Is on the Way for Males
Help is on the way for males - don't fight it! I've attended many an all-male gathering for business or sports events or just 'out of the house' spontaneous discussions among 'the guys' and watched how some men act when women are not around.
I found most of that activity to be embarrassing to me as a male.
Being kind toward my compatriots I'll say it was juvenile and adolescent.
Some show eagerness at watching women on display in various venues and remarking upon their physical virtues and what they would like to do with those women while each of us sit knowing the other would wilt under an actual opportunity to do what they are describing.
We all are attracted by the female face and form, and that's our weakness when dealing with women.
The push by women to be included in everything has dampened the frequency of such all-male gatherings, and the male voice in social commentary, I'm sad to say.
As I've reflected on these actions, I've also considered why some of us act as we do.
Not being trained in psychobabble kinds of things I'm left with my socialized attitude and beliefs to work with during my considerations, although I do have seven decades of experience from which to draw.
If you are afraid of hearing male biased points of view you may want to put this article down.
Some acquaintances of mine were in a conversation over a couple of beers and as usual they included sex as one of the topics, along with sports, politics, and religion: all the things we're warned against talking about.
Marriage tribulations, something we men should discuss, are avoided even among us.
These are conversations women don't hear very often.
That's because we've learned to mostly avoid any conversation of consequence with our wives or significant others for fear of putting them off.
This state of affairs is due to the opposite point of view women have, on virtually everything, to that of men.
Why, you may ask, are men reluctant to get into verbal conflicts with women? And that is the topic of this article.
I'll leave the meat of differing points of view to other articles and stick with why we avoid the conversations.
Males learn at a very early age they are to treat females differently than males.
The first rule of society is that a male never hits a female, although there is no such constraint on a female.
She is free to hit a male whenever she wants.
The reason for this injustice seems to be based upon a female being smaller and weaker than the male which seems to me to be the reason a female would be cautious about engaging in a conflict with a male in the first place.
The rule between males is size and strength gives advantage in pecking order to another male, which is learned sometime during grammar school.
It then becomes the obligation of both of them to be judicious with physical conflict, and use reason and logic in its place.
The female brain, I'm told during a class in school, has different sizes of the hemispheres to where she has lesser spatial cognizance.
This disparity is resolved later in life, but early on she is at a disadvantage in logic and spatial cognizance to a male.
She can easily put thoughts of resorting to physical reaction into a male's mind but he must constrain himself and live with the frustration of dealing with what seems illogical.
A female can resort to physical reaction to losing the reason/ logic argument and in addition she has the ultimate weapon in her favor: sex.
He needs it she only wants it.
Nature has its way of dealing with things.
As we become less suited for dealing with babies and raising young people we become less able to become parents.
This is a good thing.
But - through our need to be superior over other males, we males have developed non-combat ways to prove our superiority: our sexual prowess.
And this has been our Achilles heel in dealing with our wives and significant others since puberty.
We learned early on that in order for us to get what we need, she has to be happy with us.
She knows this instinctively and she uses it, although she'll deny it.
We've cowed to women and taken the backseat to their wishes and wants all our lives because we know that's how we must act.
"Ladies first" has been what we live by.
Back to the discussion among 'the guys' The little blue pill, according to their consensus, has been a savior.
They can now continue on with their sexual prowess and strut with chest out.
What they are missing is the help Mother Nature is trying to provide.
If you let Nature take its course the weapon you've fallen to all your adult life: 'sleep on the couch' can now be answered with "OK with me, it's comfortable.
" The chains have been broken.
You're freed from your enslavement.
You will no longer be at the mercy of your sex drive.
You can discuss things with your significant other on an equal basis.
The significance of this requires you to change your life long held belief that sex is a requirement for a happy full-filled life.
When the significance of this change is understood by your wife/ significant other she will recognize you two are now on equal footing in dealing with each other.
Adjustment will need to be made based upon mutual respect.
She will have some trouble with this at first but the two of you will enter a new and better phase in your lives together.
In case you aren't there yet: cheer up help is on the way.
George Silberzahn Author of the best- selling book on the sport of Darts, on Amazon, "DARTS: Beginning to End" And, on Amazon, "Selecting a Blue Collar Vocation"
I found most of that activity to be embarrassing to me as a male.
Being kind toward my compatriots I'll say it was juvenile and adolescent.
Some show eagerness at watching women on display in various venues and remarking upon their physical virtues and what they would like to do with those women while each of us sit knowing the other would wilt under an actual opportunity to do what they are describing.
We all are attracted by the female face and form, and that's our weakness when dealing with women.
The push by women to be included in everything has dampened the frequency of such all-male gatherings, and the male voice in social commentary, I'm sad to say.
As I've reflected on these actions, I've also considered why some of us act as we do.
Not being trained in psychobabble kinds of things I'm left with my socialized attitude and beliefs to work with during my considerations, although I do have seven decades of experience from which to draw.
If you are afraid of hearing male biased points of view you may want to put this article down.
Some acquaintances of mine were in a conversation over a couple of beers and as usual they included sex as one of the topics, along with sports, politics, and religion: all the things we're warned against talking about.
Marriage tribulations, something we men should discuss, are avoided even among us.
These are conversations women don't hear very often.
That's because we've learned to mostly avoid any conversation of consequence with our wives or significant others for fear of putting them off.
This state of affairs is due to the opposite point of view women have, on virtually everything, to that of men.
Why, you may ask, are men reluctant to get into verbal conflicts with women? And that is the topic of this article.
I'll leave the meat of differing points of view to other articles and stick with why we avoid the conversations.
Males learn at a very early age they are to treat females differently than males.
The first rule of society is that a male never hits a female, although there is no such constraint on a female.
She is free to hit a male whenever she wants.
The reason for this injustice seems to be based upon a female being smaller and weaker than the male which seems to me to be the reason a female would be cautious about engaging in a conflict with a male in the first place.
The rule between males is size and strength gives advantage in pecking order to another male, which is learned sometime during grammar school.
It then becomes the obligation of both of them to be judicious with physical conflict, and use reason and logic in its place.
The female brain, I'm told during a class in school, has different sizes of the hemispheres to where she has lesser spatial cognizance.
This disparity is resolved later in life, but early on she is at a disadvantage in logic and spatial cognizance to a male.
She can easily put thoughts of resorting to physical reaction into a male's mind but he must constrain himself and live with the frustration of dealing with what seems illogical.
A female can resort to physical reaction to losing the reason/ logic argument and in addition she has the ultimate weapon in her favor: sex.
He needs it she only wants it.
Nature has its way of dealing with things.
As we become less suited for dealing with babies and raising young people we become less able to become parents.
This is a good thing.
But - through our need to be superior over other males, we males have developed non-combat ways to prove our superiority: our sexual prowess.
And this has been our Achilles heel in dealing with our wives and significant others since puberty.
We learned early on that in order for us to get what we need, she has to be happy with us.
She knows this instinctively and she uses it, although she'll deny it.
We've cowed to women and taken the backseat to their wishes and wants all our lives because we know that's how we must act.
"Ladies first" has been what we live by.
Back to the discussion among 'the guys' The little blue pill, according to their consensus, has been a savior.
They can now continue on with their sexual prowess and strut with chest out.
What they are missing is the help Mother Nature is trying to provide.
If you let Nature take its course the weapon you've fallen to all your adult life: 'sleep on the couch' can now be answered with "OK with me, it's comfortable.
" The chains have been broken.
You're freed from your enslavement.
You will no longer be at the mercy of your sex drive.
You can discuss things with your significant other on an equal basis.
The significance of this requires you to change your life long held belief that sex is a requirement for a happy full-filled life.
When the significance of this change is understood by your wife/ significant other she will recognize you two are now on equal footing in dealing with each other.
Adjustment will need to be made based upon mutual respect.
She will have some trouble with this at first but the two of you will enter a new and better phase in your lives together.
In case you aren't there yet: cheer up help is on the way.
George Silberzahn Author of the best- selling book on the sport of Darts, on Amazon, "DARTS: Beginning to End" And, on Amazon, "Selecting a Blue Collar Vocation"