Technology Electronics

The security of ATMs

ATMs remain secure your secret password (PIN) and other information with the use of encryption software, software as Triple DES (Data Encryption Standard). However, you can perform many actions in order to protect your personal data and your money. In other purpose, technology can use for tax preparation software like Turbo Tax. And this is also needs some security aspects.

Many banks recommend that you create your password. Some credit card providers provide the following tips for choosing the password:
  1. do not write your password anywhere. If you need to write, do not keep it inside the wallet or purse;
  2. Password choice as a sequence of letters or numbers easy to remember, but which can not be associated with his personality;
  3. Avoid using birth dates, initials, numbers or home phone number.

Operators also give the following advice to use ATMs safely:
  • keep your card in a place where they will not wrinkle or scratch, and within the purse or wallet;
  • remove the card from the purse before approaching the ATM, it will be more vulnerable to an attack if it is stopped in front of the box, rummaging through his wallet looking for the card;
  • when entering your password, stand right in front of the keyboard, so you prevent someone who wants to use the equipment to see their personal data;
  • after performing the transaction, take your receipt, card and money. Do not stand near the machine counting the money;
  • if you are using an ATM in a drive-through car near the machine as much as possible, to prevent anyone go near the window. In addition, make sure that the doors are closed before approaching the machine;
  • Do not leave your car running when you have to leave him to use a box that does not allow access to vehicles. Take the car keys with you and close the doors before starting the transaction;
  • If someone or something to let concerned, cancel the operation and leave the box immediately. Check with your bank if the operation was actually canceled and warn about suspicious people.

Many merchants close their shops at night. It is recommended that they withdraw the money for equipment to close shop and leave the compartment door open and security, just as they do with the cash register drawer empty and such.

For security reasons, users should use the ATMs in public places and well lit. Only the last four digits of the current account of the user are printed on the receipt transaction as a requirement of federal law. Thus the number is secure even if the person leave the receipt to the machine side. Even so, one should seek to conceal the camera store employees or the four numbers of your secret password, placing both hands and body in front of the key when typing the number. The secret password is not recorded in the journal, however, this does not happen with the account number. By protecting the secret password, you are protecting your account number.

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