Health & Medical Cancer & Oncology

The Three Different Kinds of Breast Lumps

There are breast lump myths that should be forgotten. Women and even men should know the difference between the benign and the harmful lumps. Not every lump that can be felt in a breast is a growing cancerous tumor. Breast exams can be done either at home, in your choice hospital, clinic or alternative cancer treatment center. There are actually three kinds of harmless breast lumps and they are as follows:

1. Breast Cysts

Breast cysts are harmless sacs of tissue filled with fluid. It can grow and develop right inside the tissue of the breast. The lump is smooth and spongy to the touch. If you happen to press on breast cyst it will yield and it will feel like you are pressing on a water-filled balloon. During a woman's menstrual cycle, the cyst moves around and can alter its size.

These breast lumps can be found near the surface and even deep inside the wall of the chest. If it's just around the surface, it will be easier to recognize them from the other lumps. However it's a different story if it is located deeper down. We are talking about layers of firm and dense breast tissue which can make looking for the particular lumps a challenge.

Cysts can show up in a mammogram definitely. They usually hit women from the ages 30 above. To treat breast cysts, the doctor will give his or her patient a fine needle aspiration with a syringe. This process will take out the liquid which resides inside the breast cyst. The cyst will collapse and it won't go back at the most.

2. Breast Fibroadenomas

Fibrous and glandular tissues found in the breast are called breast fibroadenomas. These are harmless groups of cells that aid other types of cells found in the breast. They are firm and compact and are like a round breast lump to the touch. During breast exam it can be shifted around and it can be felt without trying.

Breast fibroadenomas can be found just near the breast's surface. Once discovered, the doctor might recommend procedures like a laser ablation, cryoablation or lumpectomy. If the fibroadenoma looks suspicious, it can also be biopsied for further tests.

Teen girls and younger women usually experience this kind of lump. There are very few post-menopausal women who experience breast fibroadenomas. Like the breast cyst, it can show up in the mammogram as well.

3. Breast Pseudolumps

These are benign lumps at best. At times it can only be dead fat, toughened silicone or just a rib bone hitting the tissue of the breast. This type of lump can be stiff and compact. It does not alter its form and dimensions during the menstrual cycle. Depending on what the lump is comprised of, it can be moved around or not.

Like breast cysts, pseudolumps can be found near the surface of the breast, or deep within it closer to the wall of the chest. Pseudolumps are usually benign but if you want to make sure it is harmless, you have to undergo a mammogram and ultrasound. If the mentioned procedures are not clear, a needle biopsy can be done. A tissue sample will be examined by a pathologist. They can be removed as well if they continue to be a bother to the patient.

Pseudolumps might appear if the patient have had breast enhancements or surgery undertaken. It might also appear if a rib has moved. It is different from the abovementioned lumps because this type may or may not appear on mammograms.

Breast Cancer

According to alternative cancer treatment centers, breast cancer is a life-threatening lump that is composed of abnormal breast tissue cells which is rapidly developing in an unrestrained manner. It has an uneven form with a rough surface. The lump feels hard and it might stay in its place during a breast exam. However because the tissue surrounding it can shift, it can be difficult to know if the lump is moving or the other way around. A breast exam administered by a specialist or a mammogram will assist in speeding up diagnosis. If you want more data regarding the lump, a needle biopsy can be undertaken.

Like all lumps, breast cancer can be found near the surface of the breast or deep within it, around the proximity of the chest wall. You can also find it near the armpit area because there are more breast tissue surrounding it. Breast cancer can hit girls and women of all ages, even as early as the pubescent stage.

Treatment for breast cancer include chemotherapy, hormone suppression therapy, radiation and surgery. There are also alternative treatments breast cancer if you are not keen of those traditional therapies which can have adverse effects on the patient. There's a number of alternative treatment clinics around the US, and Arizona has New Hope Medical Center if you are looking for a clinic that specializes in substitutes for breast cancer cure and prevention.

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