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Get Ready For These Key Changes in Observation and Prolonged Services Codes

And look into new guidance on wound, burn and ultrasound services that could have an impact on your revenue.

ED coders turn to E/M section of the 2012 CPT® manual for most of the related changes and additions. But beware: Most of these are slight references to time in related E/M codes for medical billing, frequently concealed in preambles along with parenthetical references that are likely to miss.

Read on for guidance on recognizing the ED changes that could have an impact on your claims, come Jan. 1.

Notice Revised Definitions of New and Established Patients

2012 brings new wording to the New and Established Patient section in the E/M services guidelines in the front of the CPT® book.

Although the new language does not influence the 9928xemergency department E/M codes for medical billing directly, more and more groups are being tasked with increasing their services outside the Emergency Department. As ED groups grow in their search for another revenue streams and the healthcare delivery system evolves towards larger integration, a lot of groups are staffing different urgent care clinics where the dissimilarity between new and established patient status will play a significant role in determining code selection and subsequent reimbursement.

Note New ED Time Tip Included for 2012

You must search for new "Coding Tips" advice in the CPT E/M section on the significance of time as a factor in making your E/M code selections. "This is not new information but serves as a reminder that the inclusion of time is there to assist physicians in selecting the appropriate codes for medical billing and that the listed times are averages and consequently represent a range of times that may be higher or lower, depending on clinical circumstances.

Key: The ED coding tip repeats that time is not an aspect in choosing ED E/M codes for medical billing.

Use Prolonged Services Codes With Initial Observation

These typical time add-ons to the initial observation codes come into play with novel language relating to the prolonged services codes for medical billing. The preamble to the prolonged services section includes novel language explaining direct patient contact as face-to-face, involving additional non-face-to-face services on the patient's floor or unit of the hospital during the same session. Therefore, the term "face-to face" no longer has a place in the title of the prolonged services code preambles.

More importantly, code +99356 (Prolonged physician service in the inpatient setting, requiring unit/floor time beyond the usual service; first hour [List separately in addition to code for inpatient Evaluation and Management service]) has a parenthetical list of related code ranges that now involve the initial admit to observation codes.

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