Remedies For Heart Burn Relief
Pyrosis is a well acquainted and common problem of today.
It's commonly called as hyper acidity, acid reflux or heart burn.
Heart burn is a malfunction of digestive system, not a disorder.
It's a feeling of burning behind the epigastrium (breast bone) associated with pain in the chest, sometimes spreading towards neck, shoulder and jaws.
The symptoms of heartburn apart from uncomfortable burning feeling are regurgitating, nausea, and burping, bloating, difficulty in breathing, sour or bitter taste, food-sticking feeling and even cold sweats.
You may feel hunger during this, but if you eat or drink something, it just stuck in your throat.
The symptoms of heartburn and heart attack are so correlated with each other that people cannot differentiate between these two because of severe chest pain that medical examination and tests can pin point the existing problem.
The prime cause of heart burn is when the lower esophageal sphincter muscle works improperly.
It acts like a valve or opening that checks the intake of food and liquid, relaxes to allow swallowing down to stomach and after that closes tightly.
Our stomach is guarded by a protective layer to prevent it from the harmful effects of acids and other chemicals, whereas esophagus lacks this layering.
When the esophageal sphincter muscle open frequently and doesn't closes tightly, it allows acids from the stomach to enter esophagus and the burning starts.
Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease or GERD is an acid reflux activity that occurs once a week may be more often.
If it remains untreated, it can lead to ulcers and cancers.
Heart burn relief can be obtained by changing our lifestyles and eating habits.
Remedies are: avoid taking large meals at one time and eating food just before bed time.
Always watch when and what you are eating because some food can lead to heart burn and GERD, quit smoking because nicotine loosen esophageal sphincter muscle, don't wear tight clothes because they exert pressure on stomach, lose weight because every pound you gain add up fats on your body wielding pressure on stomach resulting acid reflux and heart burn.
The use of some medications such as Antacids, Histamine 2 antagonists, and Proton Pump Inhibitor help in the relief.
Antacids reduce the amount of acids the stomach produces and are commonly used fast acting heart burn relief available without prescription.
Calcium Carbonate, Magnesium Hydroxide, Aluminum Hydroxide and Sodium Bicarbonate are the widely used antacids.
Surgical options i.
Fundoplication and Radio-frequency Treatment can be acquired for heart burn relief.
It's commonly called as hyper acidity, acid reflux or heart burn.
Heart burn is a malfunction of digestive system, not a disorder.
It's a feeling of burning behind the epigastrium (breast bone) associated with pain in the chest, sometimes spreading towards neck, shoulder and jaws.
The symptoms of heartburn apart from uncomfortable burning feeling are regurgitating, nausea, and burping, bloating, difficulty in breathing, sour or bitter taste, food-sticking feeling and even cold sweats.
You may feel hunger during this, but if you eat or drink something, it just stuck in your throat.
The symptoms of heartburn and heart attack are so correlated with each other that people cannot differentiate between these two because of severe chest pain that medical examination and tests can pin point the existing problem.
The prime cause of heart burn is when the lower esophageal sphincter muscle works improperly.
It acts like a valve or opening that checks the intake of food and liquid, relaxes to allow swallowing down to stomach and after that closes tightly.
Our stomach is guarded by a protective layer to prevent it from the harmful effects of acids and other chemicals, whereas esophagus lacks this layering.
When the esophageal sphincter muscle open frequently and doesn't closes tightly, it allows acids from the stomach to enter esophagus and the burning starts.
Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease or GERD is an acid reflux activity that occurs once a week may be more often.
If it remains untreated, it can lead to ulcers and cancers.
Heart burn relief can be obtained by changing our lifestyles and eating habits.
Remedies are: avoid taking large meals at one time and eating food just before bed time.
Always watch when and what you are eating because some food can lead to heart burn and GERD, quit smoking because nicotine loosen esophageal sphincter muscle, don't wear tight clothes because they exert pressure on stomach, lose weight because every pound you gain add up fats on your body wielding pressure on stomach resulting acid reflux and heart burn.
The use of some medications such as Antacids, Histamine 2 antagonists, and Proton Pump Inhibitor help in the relief.
Antacids reduce the amount of acids the stomach produces and are commonly used fast acting heart burn relief available without prescription.
Calcium Carbonate, Magnesium Hydroxide, Aluminum Hydroxide and Sodium Bicarbonate are the widely used antacids.
Surgical options i.
Fundoplication and Radio-frequency Treatment can be acquired for heart burn relief.