Business & Finance Small Business

Before You Start Planning Your Future Small Business

Many folks wish to make a small business of their own part of their American Dream.
Before you start dreaming about your own small business, you need to do a little thinking and pre-planning to determine if you idea or concept is viable and if you have what it takes to make it happen.
Starting a small business and becoming successful are two entirely different things.
Thus, I would like to recommend a very good book to you: "Secrets of Success in Your Own Business" by James L.
Silverton - 1986.
What is the essence of entrepreneurial success, what is an entrepreneur for that matter, is there such thing as a perfect entrepreneur - how can you tell if you are one? How will you know when you are successful, how do you know if you even possess the qualities it takes to win at the game of entrepreneurial sport? How do you know when you are ready to take the risk and go for it? Do you have entrepreneurship in your family, do you have the ability to see the truth in the numbers or do are you one to neglect fact and continue when all is lost? This book is quite comprehensive and a very good summation of what you need to know to become an entrepreneur.
The book is well-written and dives into all aspects of the game.
Having been in business for some 27 years before retirement and having run a franchising company, I can tell you that it is no walk in the park No matter what size your business is, it takes some strategic thinking and so I hope you will put in the time needed and study.
I recommend that you go online and buy this book today.

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