Business & Finance Investing & Financial Markets

You Can Still Make Money Investing In Real Estate

It's a fact that when times get tough there are many more opportunities to find bargain real estate.
If you keep in mind that old rule that you "make your money when you buy" then chances are your going to come out ahead every time.
As the current real estate market continues to cool and interest rates move upwards we are seeing a shift in consumer confidence.
Family budgets are being stretched and bargains are starting to appear in greater numbers.
The best source of "hot deals" can come from unusual places, the key is to network with the right people.
Network network network.
Make a friend out of an owner of a removals business.
Some owners of "moving" businesses make more money out of real estate investments they come by than from their moving services.
Perhaps someone, who is contemplating a move, perhaps a new widow or widower.
Get in contact with these companies and offer to pay them for leads.
People respond to offers of cash.
Monitor notices in the newspaper and network with local attorneys on a personal basis.
These attorneys will often offer properties for sale on behalf of out-of-state and other type of sellers who prefer not to handle the sale transaction themselves, or hire a real estate agent.
Monitor newspapers for public auctions, bank foreclosures, and divorce settlements.
If you like a particular area keep an eye out for run down poorly maintained vacant properties, look for "for sale by owner" signs when you drive around, you may find you can strike a great deal directly working with a property owner.
When checking an area look for unfinished projects and keep log of when for sale signs go up.
A property with more than 1 sign or rotating signs may just be an opportunity.
Consider networking with accountants, they have the inside running on matters of personal finance and when a client needs to sell off an asset you might just get a call.
Classifieds Ads, call on the properties to rent ads.
(Many landlords will consider an offer on a vacant property).
Review court filings of recent eviction cases as you will often find motivated sellers.
Look for the private owner who has let several months rent build up and is getting frustrated with being a landlord! The internet can be great source of bargain properties so subscribe to email alerts so you get the new listings in your inbox as soon as they are listed by the agents.
Most good sites will have opt in list and good agents will use their own email lists.
Of course you should be in regular contact with local agents in your area who are aware of your requirements, stay in touch with them on a regular basis and meet with them from time to time over a coffee, a few dollars spent can buy you a lot of goodwill.
The real estate environment has changed as will always change, keep in mind you can always find a good buy if you take the time to look.

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