Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Are There Ways To Cure Heart Disease?

With an estimated 1.2 million people suffering a heart attack each year it comes as no surprise that ways to cure heart disease would be at the top of many peoples to do list. While most medical professional agree that there are no sure fire ways to cure heart disease, most admit there are definitely steps a person can take to both avoid having that initial heart attack, or dramatically reduce their chances of having a 2nd or 3rd major coronary event. Keep in mind that most prevention steps or interrelated and that modifying one also can change another.

*Smoking is not cool: Smoking cigarettes is perhaps the most influential factor as to whether a person will have a heart attack or stroke. By some estimates smokers are four times more likely to have a heart attack and up to twice as likely to develop coronary artery disease. The good news is that there is no bad time to quit, and the length of time you smoked prior to quitting doesn't seem to matter. While this should be enough to send that new pack of cigarettes right into the garbage can here's another incentive for those who have had coronary artery bypass surgery; quitting will decrease the risk of death if you have a heart attack.

*Diet can help: Fat in the diet is the one of the primary risk factors for heart disease and reducing fat consumed through diet is another very important piece of the puzzle. The numbers are all over the place as to how much fat and how often it should be consumed but the latest research suggests that for a diet to be one of the possible ways to cure heart disease it must be limited to no more than 10 percent of calories, with 7 percent being more acceptable. But all fat is not created equal and one specific type will clog your arteries faster than a cowboy can say meat and potatoes. Its name is saturated fat. Saturated fat is found in large quantities in meats, full fat dairy, and artificially hydrogenated vegetable oils. It can also be found in many of your favorite grocery store delights. For this reason you should become an expert label reader opting not to add foods to your basket that are high in saturated fat.

In summary, finding ways to cure heart disease is no easy task and even strictly abiding by the two step above may prove next to impossible for some. Keep in mind we are dealing with a dangerous stubborn disease that kills more people annually than any other. If finding ways to cure heart disease was so easy the statistics wouldn't be nearly as dark. So get off the couch and strap on your low fat boots on the way to the dinner table, while throwing your cigarettes and dipping tobacco in the trash on the way, and let's get started.

Additionally, some have found that adding a natural cholesterol reduction supplement to be a extra bullet in their six shooter. Just a little something extra to ponder!

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