How to Unlock the Third Page Skull Emblem in "Call of Duty 6"
- 1). Join a multiplayer match with whatever weapons and perks you are comfortable with. Take note of the name of the other player every time you get killed and search for him. When you find him aim for the head. After you kill him with a headshot, you will be notified that you got "payback." After you get headshot payback 25 times, the first skull emblem will be unlocked.
- 2). Join a multiplayer match with a full-auto weapon and whatever perks you are comfortable with. Play the game as you normally would until you get blinded by a flashbang. When thrown at you, this grenade will make you dazed and make it difficult to see for several seconds. Empty your entire ammo clip in the direction the grenade came from to kill the player who threw it at you. Once you kill him, (this may take several attempts) the second skull emblem will be unlocked.
- 3). Join a multiplayer match with a sniper rifle as your main weapon and whatever perks you are comfortable with. Begin playing the game as you usually would until you find two or more enemies grouped together. Move yourself until they are lined up one in front of the other and shoot the player standing in front. Both enemy players will be killed and you will unlock the last skull emblem on the third page of emblems.