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Things A Guy Should Never Say To A Woman! Know This Before Your Tongue Ends Up Slipping

A lot of men are constantly plagued with fears when it comes to dealing with women. Either it is the fear of constantly running out of the right things to say or the fear of looking plain dumb! Most men just hate "routines" and feel that they would come over as predictable and boring.

Well, you don't have to worry about forgetting what to say to a woman or whether you don't feel like the aggressive Alpha Male who can get any women he wants. Here are some tips that can help you to communicate with a woman without saying the wrong thing.

o Never praise her friend or sister: The remark may be innocent but your girlfriend will feel threatened. If you really think your girl's sister or best friend is a knockout - its best that you keep it to yourself! Remarks like these will unnecessary cause tension and stress especially if they are around. You will find your girl getting over-possessive and trust levels will decrease.

o Never comment on her weight: Saying things like "Why don't you join a gym?" or "Did you notice how skinny Ann (or Jane etc) is?" will definitely cause problems. Not only will your girl feel terribly insecure but she will think she's obese and you are losing interest in her.

Callous remarks like "Gee...have those jeans shrunk?" and "I think you should skip desert" have caused women to walk away from a relationship - hurt and obsessed with their bodies.

o Never talk about your ex: Your girl definitely does NOT want to know how your ex did things. No woman likes to be compared to other girls - especially an ex who seems to be a paragon of virtues! By saying things about your ex you are unconsciously reminding your girl that you had romantic and sexual feelings for your ex and she might get the message that you haven't really gotten over her.

The only way of making comparisons with your ex is when the comparison is extremely in favor of your girl. You might just end up making your girl unnecessarily jealous if you're not careful.

o Never say "I hate roots": Most women are on the look out for long term relationships. Saying things like you don't want to settle down or you don't want to get married is a sure way to cause conflict in your relationship. Besides a woman will shy away from a man who hates commitment. It will make her feel like a one-night-stand or just a "passing fling".

Women like to feel secure and remarks like these would make her end the relationship.

Of course the best way to encourage your girl is to let HER talk. Don't forget women are good at that and your silence at times will show her that you are sensitive and caring.

Now listen carefully-

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