Home & Garden Home Improvement

Steel Carports and Other Options

It seems that homes never come with enough storage these days or it could be that we just have too much stuff.
Whatever the case a carport could alleviate some of your storage issues.
Whether it be a steel carport of a traditional wood structure you have a couple of options and I will take a closer look at a few of the better options.
My favorite is the steel carport.
These are inexpensive and long lasting.
They are easy to put up and come in a variety of shapes and sizes.
You can house anything from a motorcycle to a motorhome.
Many common steel carport kits can be found at big box retailers or online and can be assembled in an afternoon with no specialized tools or training.
Going this route will also usually allow you to avoid building committees and permits.
Many single vehicle options in this range will easily cost less than $1000.
For such a small expense you are potentially adding much more value to your home in the long run.
Traditional wood construction is common and may be more attractive than a steel carport and more easily matched to your existing home.
But it is most likely much more expensive and possibly not as long lasting.
Traditional construction will require more finishing and maintenance, but in the long run could add more value to your home.
Chances are that you will be required to hire a contractor and obtain building permits if you go this route.
If you live in suburban neighborhood this may be your only option based on deed restrictions.
Brick and mortar or stone carports may be required to match your existing home.
This is a great option if you have the money but if you are on a budget this is out.
You will also find that you are limited in size if you take this route.
Building a stone RV port would cost you as much as a new home.
This is an option but not for most people.
There are other options like fiberglass or vinyl.
These are not as common and certainly not as time tested but are certainly an option if you are in the market.
Do your research and look at al of the options.
Chances are you will come back to a Steel carport because of all of the upside.

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