Help With Formulas in Excel
- Even if you don't remember your high school algebra, Excel makes it easy to create formulas to perform your required duties. The basic rules for addition, subtraction, division and multiplication are simple, and once you understand the basics, you can easily move on to difficult formulas.
- First learn basic addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. In Excel, they each have a symbol (an operator). They are: + (addition), - (subtraction), * (multiplication), / (division).
When you want Excel to give you an answer, start the formula with = (equals sign) and then "SUM." After SUM, you begin with expressing the columns (vertical/numerical) and the rows (horizontal/alphabetical).
For instance, if your spreadsheet had the first column (a) numbers from 1 to 10, and your second column (b) had numbers 2 to 11, you could add, subtract, multiply and divide in virtually any combination, depending on the operators. Here is an example:
a b c
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
If you wished to set up a formula to add column/row a1 and b10, cursor to c1 and start your formula with the = sign. Put parentheses around the numbers you want to include, so the formula would be =SUM(a1+b10). As soon as you press enter, the calculation will be performed and the answer will appear as 11. If you wanted to divide, move your cursor to the appropriate column or row and insert the formula =SUM(b10/b2).
The space between the toolbar and the spreadsheet, marked with a symbol that looks like an "fx," indicates the formula bar. It is there that you can make corrections to your formulas.
At any time, you can go to the help button on the upper right of the screen to get help for specific algebraic equations, such as figuring how to do depreciation or extended equations. The more you study and work with Excel, the more you will value what it can do for you, both in your personal and in your business life. Three popular uses for Excel is home budgeting, financial planning and keeping track of depreciable assets for a business.