Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Work As Naval Architect

Naval architects are engineers who work on the design and construction of ships and boats with particular regard to ensuring the seaworthiness of them.
They may also work on structures such as rigs and shipyards.
There are a number of sectors who employ naval architects including; oMerchant ships and passenger liners and tankers oFerry companies oWorking ships and boats e.
fishing boats and rescue boats oFast ships such as Sea cats oYachts and private boats used for leisure purposes oSubmarines oWarships Architects for the navy are usually the project manager of teams which may include other engineers, and they are responsible for ensuring that product design complies with all safety regulations, as set down by e.
the International Maritime Organisation.
The types of considerations they need to take into account are the strength, durability, and lifesaving design of products.
They need to keep up to date with all new research and information provided by research departments at Universities and need to devote a certain amount of time to this.
Naval architects may act in the capacity of a consultant and be the point of contact for all the queries, and demands of their clients both on technical and commercial issues.
They may oversee the brand new design of a new ship, or a refit, or may provide assistance in troubleshooting problems.
They may also help to train a ship's crew in safety or technical procedures.
Naval architects may teach in Universities, or become highly specialised in one particular area of naval design.
The prospects for naval architects are good, with starting salaries of between £25,000 and £30,000.
Experienced naval architects are in demand and can expect to gain a salary of at least £75,000 or more if working for one of the larger shipping companies.
Most naval architects work in and around the major shipping ports in the UK - work may involve them testing products in e.
severe weather conditions, so the job will require a degree of seamanship.
Contract work is possible, with some architects working for smaller clients e.
in the design and build of a private yacht.

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