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How to Find God in a Sermon

    • 1). Seek God's voice. Seeking God requires you to become an active listener. Keeping a prayerful heart and mind will help you to prepare for contact with him. Ask for forgiveness in your prayer to show God your humbleness and willingness to submit to his will.

    • 2). Listen for an answer. A sermon will often incorporate many aspects to help relate to the audience while relaying the message. Paying attention to your own situation and finding answers presented to you on sheer coincidence is often a sign. This can act as a confirmation to you for trials being endured or answers you were seeking. Some sermons will coincidently provide helpful words that can be applied to your specific situation. This is also another sign that the spirit of God is trying to communicate.

    • 3). Feel the tug on your heartstrings. When a sermon's dialogue begins to penetrate emotional walls you may have feel this because the Lord has touched your spirit. The more relevant words are during these times, the more you will sense a nervous zeal you cannot dismiss.

    • 4). Remain an empty vessel in the sight of the Lord. A sermon that is meant for you to hear and contains words God intended for you will satisfy you on a separate spiritual and emotional plane. This process is called being fed by the word of the Lord. The presented materials are concurrent with God's will. God's will is the law he left behind for you to follow, known as the Holy Bible for most. Christian-based faiths.

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