Insurance Insurance

Why Do You Need a Personal Accident Insurance

Life can never be a smooth road of luxuries and comfort. All of a sudden, a person can encounter a totally unexpected incident which can unsettle him and make him vulnerable to extreme financial and mental stress. Accidents and mishaps can be described as one of those unexpected and uncalled for incidents, for which a person is never prepared.

And the best solution is Personal Accident Insurance.

What is Personal Accident Insurance?

It is an insurance cover, wherein a person is protected against bodily injuries and wounds sustained as a result of accident caused by external, visible and violent means. In extreme cases, life insurance principals and terms are also induced incase such accident results in the death of the insured person. But mainly, this type of insurance cover is mainly opted for injuries and wounds.

What are the types of events which are covered under this type of Insurance Policy:

Some of the types of events which are covered under this insurance policy are:

-          Road accidents

-          Rail/Aircraft accidents

-          Burn injury/Drowning or poisoning

-          Injury from Gas Cylinder burst

-          Snake bite/frost/ dog bite

Depending on the type of personal accident insurance opted for, and the insurance company offering this policy, there are several more types of events which are covered.

What does this insurance policy covers?

If a person has insured himself or his family members using personal accident insurance, then the following cases are covered generally by different insurance providers:

-          Loss of limbs

-          Accidental death

-          Permanent /total disablement

-          Injury and wounds

Again, this list is not absolute in itself as different insurance providers have their own criteria and policies concerning the accidental claims. It is always advisable to contact and consult an experienced and certified Insurance Advisor when it comes to clearing all doubts and apprehensions related with personal accidental insurance policy.

Medical Reimbursements under Personal Accidental Insurance

Medical expenses are also covered under this insurance policy. However, depending on the insurance provider, there may be some additional amount and installments which needs to be deposited in order to avail reimbursements of medical expenses incurred while treatment.

In case you are looking for the best personal accident insurance and searching for an experienced and seasoned insurance advisor, then you have arrived at the right destination. BigBiz specializes in providing world class insurance advisory and guidance which ensures that you always choose the best insurance plan depending on your specific needs and requirements. BigBiz is powered by a highly qualified team of certified financial planner and advisor who have more than 15 years of experience in consulting and advising related to insurance matters.

Additionally, BigBiz also provides world class Life Maximization services which encourages overall development and progress of your life. Aided by our in house Life coach, we will analyze your exact requirements, ambitions, dreams and goals, and accordingly provide you a comprehensive solution. Be it financial planning, insurance advisory or Corporate Vision Maximization, BigBiz is there for you every time. Please visit for more information about our expert services and advisory.

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