What Egg Donation Can Do for You and Your Future Family
Most couples, after getting married, want to begin raising their own families.
However, not all women can produce healthy egg cells which are necessary to conceive.
When this is the case, the couple can turn to a reproductive clinic which can help the woman get pregnant with the use of eggs that were donated by other people.
Egg donation is exactly as it sounds-other women donate their egg cells to reproductive clinics or egg banks for research or reproduction purposes.
Women who have problems with their egg cells can ask the help of reproductive clinics so that they can use donated egg cells to conceive.
This is done by fertilizing the donated egg with the husband's sperm and implanting the fertilized egg in the woman's body to achieve conception.
Here are the basics questions you might want to ask your doctor regarding egg donation and its benefits.
Where Do Donated Eggs Come From? Laws in almost every county in the world specify who can donate their eggs and who can't.
Egg donors are usually young women above 21 and below 35.
Some programs even prefer donors who have given birth because this is proof that they can conceive.
Likewise, there are programs that pay the donors as most egg donors are volunteers.
Who Chooses the Egg You're Going to Use? The donated egg that is going to be fertilized by your husband's sperm and implanted in you has to be a match or your body will reject it.
To increase the possibility of your body accepting an egg cell, the donor it came from has to have, as much as possible, the same characteristics you do.
This includes height, weight, hair color, health, and the likes.
How Long Does the Process Take? Because of the lack of donors, you may have to wait a while to get a match.
You can cut this short by posting an ad for a donor or asking for help from your families and friends.
You can also ask for help from egg donation authorities like the Human Fertilization & Embryology Authority.
What's the Success Rate? Each treatment cycle, which lasts about 6 weeks, has a 25-40% chance of success.
This means that you might have to try a couple of times before you get to conceive.
Clinics that rely on egg donation will tell you that this success rate is higher than other reproductive treatments.
However, not all women can produce healthy egg cells which are necessary to conceive.
When this is the case, the couple can turn to a reproductive clinic which can help the woman get pregnant with the use of eggs that were donated by other people.
Egg donation is exactly as it sounds-other women donate their egg cells to reproductive clinics or egg banks for research or reproduction purposes.
Women who have problems with their egg cells can ask the help of reproductive clinics so that they can use donated egg cells to conceive.
This is done by fertilizing the donated egg with the husband's sperm and implanting the fertilized egg in the woman's body to achieve conception.
Here are the basics questions you might want to ask your doctor regarding egg donation and its benefits.
Where Do Donated Eggs Come From? Laws in almost every county in the world specify who can donate their eggs and who can't.
Egg donors are usually young women above 21 and below 35.
Some programs even prefer donors who have given birth because this is proof that they can conceive.
Likewise, there are programs that pay the donors as most egg donors are volunteers.
Who Chooses the Egg You're Going to Use? The donated egg that is going to be fertilized by your husband's sperm and implanted in you has to be a match or your body will reject it.
To increase the possibility of your body accepting an egg cell, the donor it came from has to have, as much as possible, the same characteristics you do.
This includes height, weight, hair color, health, and the likes.
How Long Does the Process Take? Because of the lack of donors, you may have to wait a while to get a match.
You can cut this short by posting an ad for a donor or asking for help from your families and friends.
You can also ask for help from egg donation authorities like the Human Fertilization & Embryology Authority.
What's the Success Rate? Each treatment cycle, which lasts about 6 weeks, has a 25-40% chance of success.
This means that you might have to try a couple of times before you get to conceive.
Clinics that rely on egg donation will tell you that this success rate is higher than other reproductive treatments.