Basic Facts About Hair Loss and Hair Restoration
Hair loss leading to baldness is usually male pattern baldness or androgenic alopecia.
Alopecia means baldness and there are many types of alopecia.
But androgenic alopecia is the most common with 3 out of 5 men being affected by it, and less commonly occurs in women as well.
Androgenic alopecia is neither a disease nor a disorder.
It is a natural characteristic or genetic sequence that happens due to the secretion of an enzyme called Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) from androgen.
The DHT causes hair follicles to shrink and produce thin or miniaturised hair gradually to produce no hair at all, leaving a shiny bald patch.
While men have a distinct pattern of baldness occurring at the top and center of the scalp, and stabilizing at a point where there is a varying sized patch of hair, often referred as the horseshoe pattern, women's baldness is but rare.
What women experience is a diffusive pattern of thinning of the overall hair density, thus female pattern hair loss might be an apropos term than female pattern baldness.
Hair loss doesn't really stop.
But there are medications and even home remedies that prove effective to fight and slow down the thinning or miniaturizing of hair follicles.
Hair fall and hair loss are two different things.
While hair fall regards with damaging of hair shafts and/or hair follicles that can be repaired with a little coconut oil massage or medications, or diet and exercise, hair loss however, is the complete stop of the whole hair growth cycle for a particular hair follicle.
Hair restoration is a cosmetic dermatological surgery.
This is done with a person's own hair taken from the back of their scalp regarded as the donor zone and replaced to the bald areas regarded as the recipient area.
There are two distinct methods, FUT and FUE and one principle, Follicular Transplantation that it follows.
Follicular Units are naturally occurring groups of hair follicles that form the basic anatomy of hair.
This fact wasn't discovered until the 1990s, even though hair restoration surgery was introduced way back in the 80s.
The earlier results of the surgery are visibly poor and unnatural; moreover there were high morbidity issues with the cutting and suturing techniques like multiple-bladed strip harvesting, punch grafting, pierce closure and serrated island and many more.
With the emergence of follicular unit transplantation, now the surgery is done with either Follicular Unit Transplantation or FUT procedure, which takes the old technique of strip harvesting of cutting off a linear strip of skin from the back of the scalp of the patient and using the skin strip to put underneath a microscope and dissect the hair follicular units.
The donor wound is closed and sutured leaving a linear scar behind which is hidden beneath top layers of hair, beyond recognition to general view.
The FUT takes the strip harvesting method to a more efficient level with modern techniques of single blade incision; trichophytic closure and more advanced perception of surgeons about hair anatomy and scalp laxity.
The other procedure is Follicular Unit Extraction or FUE that is done by plucking individual hair follicular units under magnified vision of the surgeon.
There are a number of instruments, including Robotic FUE to perform the surgery with minimum graft damage.
Alopecia means baldness and there are many types of alopecia.
But androgenic alopecia is the most common with 3 out of 5 men being affected by it, and less commonly occurs in women as well.
Androgenic alopecia is neither a disease nor a disorder.
It is a natural characteristic or genetic sequence that happens due to the secretion of an enzyme called Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) from androgen.
The DHT causes hair follicles to shrink and produce thin or miniaturised hair gradually to produce no hair at all, leaving a shiny bald patch.
While men have a distinct pattern of baldness occurring at the top and center of the scalp, and stabilizing at a point where there is a varying sized patch of hair, often referred as the horseshoe pattern, women's baldness is but rare.
What women experience is a diffusive pattern of thinning of the overall hair density, thus female pattern hair loss might be an apropos term than female pattern baldness.
Hair loss doesn't really stop.
But there are medications and even home remedies that prove effective to fight and slow down the thinning or miniaturizing of hair follicles.
Hair fall and hair loss are two different things.
While hair fall regards with damaging of hair shafts and/or hair follicles that can be repaired with a little coconut oil massage or medications, or diet and exercise, hair loss however, is the complete stop of the whole hair growth cycle for a particular hair follicle.
Hair restoration is a cosmetic dermatological surgery.
This is done with a person's own hair taken from the back of their scalp regarded as the donor zone and replaced to the bald areas regarded as the recipient area.
There are two distinct methods, FUT and FUE and one principle, Follicular Transplantation that it follows.
Follicular Units are naturally occurring groups of hair follicles that form the basic anatomy of hair.
This fact wasn't discovered until the 1990s, even though hair restoration surgery was introduced way back in the 80s.
The earlier results of the surgery are visibly poor and unnatural; moreover there were high morbidity issues with the cutting and suturing techniques like multiple-bladed strip harvesting, punch grafting, pierce closure and serrated island and many more.
With the emergence of follicular unit transplantation, now the surgery is done with either Follicular Unit Transplantation or FUT procedure, which takes the old technique of strip harvesting of cutting off a linear strip of skin from the back of the scalp of the patient and using the skin strip to put underneath a microscope and dissect the hair follicular units.
The donor wound is closed and sutured leaving a linear scar behind which is hidden beneath top layers of hair, beyond recognition to general view.
The FUT takes the strip harvesting method to a more efficient level with modern techniques of single blade incision; trichophytic closure and more advanced perception of surgeons about hair anatomy and scalp laxity.
The other procedure is Follicular Unit Extraction or FUE that is done by plucking individual hair follicular units under magnified vision of the surgeon.
There are a number of instruments, including Robotic FUE to perform the surgery with minimum graft damage.