Technology Software

Six factors to speed up your computer

If you make sure few of the important points in order to maintain and repair your computer, there is no computer help is required usually. In absence of a regular PC maintenance and routine checkup a computer might slow down. If you have ensured few of the most essential points in your computer, I assure you that you won't encounter any PC issue so easily. Some of the important factors that can cause the slow computer or performance related issues are mentioned below.

Computer Virus or other malware

One of the most possible causes of a slow computer and many other system related issues.Any infection in your PC is one of the most significant reasons which creates slow computer problem. Infection can be of any kind such as a virus a spyware program, a Trojan horse a worm. They all are capable enough to destroy the whole working and mechanism of your PC. It is also possible that sometime it may completely stop.

The best solution for removing all kinds of infections is-to use a latest antivirus and antispyware programs. Also make sure you do not visit or open any suspicious or unsafe link or item in your computer. After all precaution is better than cure.

 Hardware fault

The role of any hardware component in your computer is exceptionally vital. We cannot imagine a healthy and good running computer system in absence of a good hardware configuration. On the contrary if there is any poor, broken or incompatible hardware piece is installed, it is inevitable to cause the slow computer and other system related issues.

Corrupted Windows Registry

Registry plays a vital role in every windows system. It is in fact a central hierarchical database for all the components are associated or attached with it. If the registry gets down or gets corrupted it can cause many issues including slow performance issue.

Thus a registry needs to be intact and in working state all the time. To repair windows registry we recommend running a good and reliable registry cleaner program to fix all the invalid entries in your system.

Badly Fragmented Hard Drive

I suggest defragging your hard drive on a regular interval. If your hard drive is badly fragmented it takes longer time than expected to search the fragmented data and resulting in PC moves slowly.

Poor Security Software

Security software are always needed for a secure and safe working system, however if the security programs are outdated or old they might cause performance issues in your computer. We strongly recommend use the latest and updated software so that they not only detect and remove the latest infection from your computer but also consume less system CPU resources.

Remnants of uninstalled programs

 Remnants of uninstalled programs can cause issues on multiple levels always. Some of the entries in windows registry cause the registry bloated which affects the entire system's performance. Remove all such leftovers from your computer with the help of Windows built in tools or with any registry repair tool.

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