Time To Update Your Home Inventory for the New Year
If you've done a home inventory in the past year or two, you're among a small minority of Americans who actually take the time to document their personal property.
As a home inventory expert, I applaud you.
But there's no time to rest on your laurels.
The start of a new year is the perfect time to update your inventory.
If you haven't gotten around to actually doing one yet, there's no better time than the present to get started.
Look around your house, or better yet, get out your past year's receipts, and see what items you've purchased.
Is a new television or computer in your receipt pile? Did you purchase any new furniture or appliances last year or upgrade your home in any way? If you've done any home remodeling, talk to your insurance agent to see if your current homeowners insurance policy still provides adequate coverage.
While you're making your list of new items, don't forget to include any gifts you've received over the holidays.
You can probably leave off the socks from grandma but should definitely include the new laptop, gaming console or camera.
Be sure to include model and serial numbers on your list for computers and electronics.
Put your list, any photos and copies of receipts with your existing inventory.
Of course, your home inventory should always be stored in a safe place outside your home.
If you celebrate Christmas and still have your Christmas tree up, it's a good opportunity to photograph your tree ornaments.
Any valuable or limited edition designer ornaments should be fully documented with purchase information, price paid and receipts, if possible.
As a home inventory expert, I applaud you.
But there's no time to rest on your laurels.
The start of a new year is the perfect time to update your inventory.
If you haven't gotten around to actually doing one yet, there's no better time than the present to get started.
Look around your house, or better yet, get out your past year's receipts, and see what items you've purchased.
Is a new television or computer in your receipt pile? Did you purchase any new furniture or appliances last year or upgrade your home in any way? If you've done any home remodeling, talk to your insurance agent to see if your current homeowners insurance policy still provides adequate coverage.
While you're making your list of new items, don't forget to include any gifts you've received over the holidays.
You can probably leave off the socks from grandma but should definitely include the new laptop, gaming console or camera.
Be sure to include model and serial numbers on your list for computers and electronics.
Put your list, any photos and copies of receipts with your existing inventory.
Of course, your home inventory should always be stored in a safe place outside your home.
If you celebrate Christmas and still have your Christmas tree up, it's a good opportunity to photograph your tree ornaments.
Any valuable or limited edition designer ornaments should be fully documented with purchase information, price paid and receipts, if possible.