What Are Fibroids and Ovarian Cysts? The Easy Guide and the Best Treatment Advice You Need
I guess that if you are reading this page you are looking for some information on fibroids and ovarian cysts? Maybe you even want to know the difference between both? Well in short, fibroids are uterine growths and are mostly benign.
Women can get them at any age and some never experience any symptoms whilst others will go through pain and discomfort for a prolonged period of time.
On the other hand, ovarian cysts are a bit more complex.
They are sacs filled with some liquid mostly made up of water and develop on the ovaries.
In terms of pain, women suffering from either of them have reported all kinds of ailments ranging from bloating or acute pain to bleeding and pain during sex whilst some have experienced no discomfort at all.
Hormonal imbalances are to blame for both conditions and most of the lumps discovered because of symptoms or during a routine medical examination are not cancerous.
Your doctor will most probably advise you that the symptoms will go away on their own and that you should not worry.
In theory, yes this is true.
But if you ask the majority of women who suffer from the condition you are likely to hear a big no! When the symptoms of fibroids or ovarian cysts get really bad, your doctors can offer you either surgery or hormonal therapy to alleviate the pain and relieve the discomfort.
Yes, I have said "reduce the pain" and the inflammation but these treatments will not cure you and the cysts and fibroids are twice likely to come back and make your life hell.
A recurrence is always bad news but it can be treated successfully and many women are now free from the symptoms and can get on with their lives without having to suffer from any pain or discomfort.
These women have chosen to treat their condition with natural treatments that targets the root causes of the disease.
Natural cures have absolutely no side effects and by treating the root causes of the condition, the fibroids and cysts are then unable to grow back.
These cures are simple, affordable and have been proven to work wonders.
A very basic step by step method is what you should be looking for in order to make sure you can get rid of the pain and most importantly that the fibroids and ovarian cysts will not come back at a later stage.
Women can get them at any age and some never experience any symptoms whilst others will go through pain and discomfort for a prolonged period of time.
On the other hand, ovarian cysts are a bit more complex.
They are sacs filled with some liquid mostly made up of water and develop on the ovaries.
In terms of pain, women suffering from either of them have reported all kinds of ailments ranging from bloating or acute pain to bleeding and pain during sex whilst some have experienced no discomfort at all.
Hormonal imbalances are to blame for both conditions and most of the lumps discovered because of symptoms or during a routine medical examination are not cancerous.
Your doctor will most probably advise you that the symptoms will go away on their own and that you should not worry.
In theory, yes this is true.
But if you ask the majority of women who suffer from the condition you are likely to hear a big no! When the symptoms of fibroids or ovarian cysts get really bad, your doctors can offer you either surgery or hormonal therapy to alleviate the pain and relieve the discomfort.
Yes, I have said "reduce the pain" and the inflammation but these treatments will not cure you and the cysts and fibroids are twice likely to come back and make your life hell.
A recurrence is always bad news but it can be treated successfully and many women are now free from the symptoms and can get on with their lives without having to suffer from any pain or discomfort.
These women have chosen to treat their condition with natural treatments that targets the root causes of the disease.
Natural cures have absolutely no side effects and by treating the root causes of the condition, the fibroids and cysts are then unable to grow back.
These cures are simple, affordable and have been proven to work wonders.
A very basic step by step method is what you should be looking for in order to make sure you can get rid of the pain and most importantly that the fibroids and ovarian cysts will not come back at a later stage.