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Stop Sign Safety

When it's late at night and no one seems to be around, you may consider running a stop sign to get to your destination faster. Aside from breaking the law, you may be putting your fellow motorists in danger. Even if you don't see anyone else, if you pass through the intersection without stopping, some driver may come out of nowhere. If you get in a wreck, you may be liable for any injuries that result from the crash.
When you come to a stop sign, no matter what time of day it is, there are precautions you should consider. Some things you should always do are:
* Come to a complete stop for at least 3 seconds
* Look in all directions for oncoming traffic
* Observe right-of-way when another motorists reaches an intersection before you
* Observe parking lot stop signs
Following these precautions may help you prevent an accident related to running a stop sign. It is especially important that you come to a complete stop and wait for a few seconds so that you can get a sense of the traffic conditions around you.
Unfortunately, not all drivers are so cautious, and you may get in an accident when another motorist runs a sign or red light. Some injuries resulting from drivers taking the right of way for themselves may be serious and have long-term effects on your health. If you suffer an injury, you may be able to hold the other motorist accountable, and you may be eligible for financial compensation.
Should you receive an injury and decide to file a lawsuit, it is important to hire an experienced car accident lawyer to handle your case, as he or she will be able to provide you with proper legal counsel during the case.
In addition to potentially causing a serious injury to yourself or someone else, running a stop sign is illegal. If you are caught running a stop sign by a police officer, you may receive a traffic violation. Traffic tickets for moving violations such as failing to stop at a stop sign may be costly and may increase the rate of your insurance premium.
Traffic signs are meant to ensure your safety. If you or someone you love has been injured because another motorist ran a stop sign or failed to otherwise obey traffic rules and collided with you, a car accident attorney may be able to help you recover compensation for your medical costs and other expenses related to the accident.

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