Causes ,effects symptoms and treatments of non-hodgkin lymphoma cancer
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma: Non-Hodgkin lymphoma is termed as a serious cancer disease due to its adverse effects. Non-Hodgkin cancer occurs in the cells of immune system. So, due to this cancer effect the body immune system fails to fight against infections and diseases.
Body immune system is comprised of lymphatic system which contains lymph, lymph nodes and lymph vessels. This cancer disease starts mainly in the lymph nodes (mass of a tissue). These lymph nodes store the white blood cells and removes bacteria from them. Due to the cancer cell attacks in the lymph nodes, white blood cell working nature gets damage and the body possesses weak immune system.
Immune system contains B cells which becomes abnormal due to the effect of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma cancer. This B cells divide and multiply by itself and turns into uncontrolled state causing damage to the entire lymphatic system. The formation of extra uncontrolled B cells turns into a tumor, which can spread throughout the body organs causing death factor for sure.
Causes for the Non-Hodgkin cancer: There are no exact causes for the occurrence of Non-Hodgkin, but the risk factors for this cancer disease are well identified.
Risk factors of Non-Hodgkin cancer:
• Weekend immune system
• Helibacter pylori
• Human T-cell leukemia
• Hepatitis C virus
Symptoms of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma cancer:
• Unexplained weight loss
• Headache
• Nausea and Vomiting
• Fatigue
• Chest pain
• Cough
• Night sweat
• Sleep disorders
• Mental strain
• Painless lymph nodes
• Abdomen pain, swelling
• Morning stiffness
Treatment for Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma cancer: The treatment for this cancer disease depends upon several factors like age, gender, health history, tumor location, size and area.
Chemotherapy, Biotherapy and Radiation therapy are the three main treatments useful in treating this cancer. For the stage1 and stage2 lymphoma, radiation therapy is very useful in treating this cancer. If this cancer re-occurs after the treatment process ,then it is treated with extreme chemotherapy process along with stem cell transplantation.
Chemotherapy treatment for lymphoma: Chemotherapy process involves usage of anti-cancer drugs to kill lymphoma cancer cells. Chemotherapy process stops the division of cancer cells and avoids spreading of this cancer cells to various parts of the body. This treatment process is carried by either pills or through intravascular injections. The anti-cancer drug enters were injected into the bloodstream and travels towards the damaged tissues and destroys the lymphatic cancer cells.
Radiation therapy: Radiotherapy is a process of removing cancer cells by using high power x-ray beams. These high energy x-rays are aimed at the cancer affected part in the body to destroy the cancer cells .This process is given for 5 to 6 weeks to entirely clear the cancer tissue. Radiation therapy can be taken before and after the surgery process.
Biotherapy: Due to weak immune system in the body, there are chances for the development of cancer. So, this Biotherapy treatment process is useful in rebuilding strong immune system in the body. Biotherapy is also called as immunotherapy or biological response modifier therapy. This treatment process is really useful in repairing, enhancing and stimulating the weak immune system of the body. This process can be carried along with surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma is a metastatic cancer. It has many risk factors.5 percent of the cancer cases are related to lymphoma. Cough and nausea are the main symptoms. This cancer can be treated with surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
Body immune system is comprised of lymphatic system which contains lymph, lymph nodes and lymph vessels. This cancer disease starts mainly in the lymph nodes (mass of a tissue). These lymph nodes store the white blood cells and removes bacteria from them. Due to the cancer cell attacks in the lymph nodes, white blood cell working nature gets damage and the body possesses weak immune system.
Immune system contains B cells which becomes abnormal due to the effect of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma cancer. This B cells divide and multiply by itself and turns into uncontrolled state causing damage to the entire lymphatic system. The formation of extra uncontrolled B cells turns into a tumor, which can spread throughout the body organs causing death factor for sure.
Causes for the Non-Hodgkin cancer: There are no exact causes for the occurrence of Non-Hodgkin, but the risk factors for this cancer disease are well identified.
Risk factors of Non-Hodgkin cancer:
• Weekend immune system
• Helibacter pylori
• Human T-cell leukemia
• Hepatitis C virus
Symptoms of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma cancer:
• Unexplained weight loss
• Headache
• Nausea and Vomiting
• Fatigue
• Chest pain
• Cough
• Night sweat
• Sleep disorders
• Mental strain
• Painless lymph nodes
• Abdomen pain, swelling
• Morning stiffness
Treatment for Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma cancer: The treatment for this cancer disease depends upon several factors like age, gender, health history, tumor location, size and area.
Chemotherapy, Biotherapy and Radiation therapy are the three main treatments useful in treating this cancer. For the stage1 and stage2 lymphoma, radiation therapy is very useful in treating this cancer. If this cancer re-occurs after the treatment process ,then it is treated with extreme chemotherapy process along with stem cell transplantation.
Chemotherapy treatment for lymphoma: Chemotherapy process involves usage of anti-cancer drugs to kill lymphoma cancer cells. Chemotherapy process stops the division of cancer cells and avoids spreading of this cancer cells to various parts of the body. This treatment process is carried by either pills or through intravascular injections. The anti-cancer drug enters were injected into the bloodstream and travels towards the damaged tissues and destroys the lymphatic cancer cells.
Radiation therapy: Radiotherapy is a process of removing cancer cells by using high power x-ray beams. These high energy x-rays are aimed at the cancer affected part in the body to destroy the cancer cells .This process is given for 5 to 6 weeks to entirely clear the cancer tissue. Radiation therapy can be taken before and after the surgery process.
Biotherapy: Due to weak immune system in the body, there are chances for the development of cancer. So, this Biotherapy treatment process is useful in rebuilding strong immune system in the body. Biotherapy is also called as immunotherapy or biological response modifier therapy. This treatment process is really useful in repairing, enhancing and stimulating the weak immune system of the body. This process can be carried along with surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma is a metastatic cancer. It has many risk factors.5 percent of the cancer cases are related to lymphoma. Cough and nausea are the main symptoms. This cancer can be treated with surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy.