A Connection Between Jupiter, Fifth House and Children
Survival and procreation are the two basic traits of living beings.
In a horoscope, fifth house, its lord and its significator Jupiter represent children.
An aspect of Jupiter on the fifth house lord and fifth house makes a person blessed in this regards.
For a Leo ascendant Jupiter is also the lord of the fifth house.
I have a friend of Leo ascendant whose fifth house lord, Jupiter (zodiac sign Sagittarius) is in the sixth house in the sign of Capricorn.
This is a very bad position of for Jupiter.
Because sixth (disease, debt), eighth (death, obstacles) and twelfth (waste, expenses, imprisonment) are called the three evil ones.
The presence of Jupiter in sixth is bad that too being in Capricorn makes it doubly inauspicious.
Being the significator of the fifth makes this position a triple whammy, from the point of view of having children.
This friend of mine remains issueless even now at 50.
In medical examination of his semen it was found that his sperms are week and their count is well below the desired numbers.
He, however, has an adopted daughter.
In an apparently similar case i.
sixth Jupiter in Capricorn, I predicted the birth of a son for a native.
Reason: his Jupiter was retrograde-according to Kalidasa's classic Uttarkalamrita, a retrograde planet in its fall is equivalent in force to its presence in the sign of exaltation.
Secondly its presence in the second house from Sagittarius was also good.
In another horoscope of Virgo ascendant, Jupiter, the lord of fourth and seventh house was deposited in the fifth house having sign of Capricorn, its fall.
This man also had a Rahu afflicted moon in the second house.
Barring a couple of exceptions it is bad for a planet to be present in a house whose significator it happens to be.
This person's all three houses representing respectively family-second house; children-fifth; and wife-seventh are polluted.
This man's first wife and second wife and their all seven or eight children died one after another.
Therefore, he was luckless in the matters of wife (seventh house indication), children (fifth house indication) and family (second house indication).
In this connection it must be noted that a Mars in Capricorn (its sign of exaltation) in the fifth house gives three sons to the female native.
And a Saturn in Aquarius (its day house) in the chart of a woman gives five sons, especially if Saturn is aspected by Jupiter.
In a horoscope, fifth house, its lord and its significator Jupiter represent children.
An aspect of Jupiter on the fifth house lord and fifth house makes a person blessed in this regards.
For a Leo ascendant Jupiter is also the lord of the fifth house.
I have a friend of Leo ascendant whose fifth house lord, Jupiter (zodiac sign Sagittarius) is in the sixth house in the sign of Capricorn.
This is a very bad position of for Jupiter.
Because sixth (disease, debt), eighth (death, obstacles) and twelfth (waste, expenses, imprisonment) are called the three evil ones.
The presence of Jupiter in sixth is bad that too being in Capricorn makes it doubly inauspicious.
Being the significator of the fifth makes this position a triple whammy, from the point of view of having children.
This friend of mine remains issueless even now at 50.
In medical examination of his semen it was found that his sperms are week and their count is well below the desired numbers.
He, however, has an adopted daughter.
In an apparently similar case i.
sixth Jupiter in Capricorn, I predicted the birth of a son for a native.
Reason: his Jupiter was retrograde-according to Kalidasa's classic Uttarkalamrita, a retrograde planet in its fall is equivalent in force to its presence in the sign of exaltation.
Secondly its presence in the second house from Sagittarius was also good.
In another horoscope of Virgo ascendant, Jupiter, the lord of fourth and seventh house was deposited in the fifth house having sign of Capricorn, its fall.
This man also had a Rahu afflicted moon in the second house.
Barring a couple of exceptions it is bad for a planet to be present in a house whose significator it happens to be.
This person's all three houses representing respectively family-second house; children-fifth; and wife-seventh are polluted.
This man's first wife and second wife and their all seven or eight children died one after another.
Therefore, he was luckless in the matters of wife (seventh house indication), children (fifth house indication) and family (second house indication).
In this connection it must be noted that a Mars in Capricorn (its sign of exaltation) in the fifth house gives three sons to the female native.
And a Saturn in Aquarius (its day house) in the chart of a woman gives five sons, especially if Saturn is aspected by Jupiter.