Business & Finance Corporations

Raising Kids and Working From Home - Overcoming the Challenges

It takes great courage to decide that you will work from home while you are still raising your kids.
You have to give time to your kids and your work as well, and no compromises are allowed.
This is what makes things really a challenge.
But, if you want to find a solution as to what you can do, here are some tips.
Maintain a routine, or at least maintain as close a schedule as you can.
You might plan out a schedule where you work when you are children are occupied somewhere.
They might be at the nursery or they might be looked after by a nanny for some time or simply they might be napping at a particular time each day.
These are the moments that you should devote to your own work at home business and develop them as far as they can go.
Make the kids understand what you are doing and let them understand it as well.
Allow them access to your workspace for a few days at the start.
When their fascination with it is over, they won't bother you much.
And, make it a point to allow your children access to your room whenever you want them.
One more way to get more work hours from your day is to give your children something special that holds their interest.
Go to a toy store and find such a thing.
Lego bricks are truly amazing for kids.
You can also look for jigsaws and other kinds of puzzles that kids might like.
Give special days to your children when work is less.
These could be during the weekends or any other day when you feel you don't have as much home.
Spend quality time with them these days; even when you are going shopping ask them whether they would like to go along.
Watch a movie with them, eat out, go to the park, etc.
Do things that they would like.
You must definitely do this if you expect that there's going to be more work coming up soon and you will be able to devote lesser time for the children.
Don't feel your children neglected by any means, even if that means that you have to reduce your work load a bit.
Look after all their needs, and don't suddenly stop things that they are used to doing with you.
For instance, if you have been feeding them all this while, don't suddenly break that habit because of your work.
The best way to go about it is to phase it out.
They shouldn't think that your new status of being a work at home mom is affecting them in any manner.
You have to remember the important rule of raising kids and working from home-your children are more important than your work.
You are working for your children.
Hence, if there ever is a situation in which you have to decide between kids and work, it should be your kids that prevail.

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