Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Yogurt and Yeast Infections

Yogurt and yeast infections have gone hand in hand for many years and are a method of prevention as well as a cure that has been favored by many women throughout the generations.
Of course you cannot just use any old yogurt that you may have in your kitchen; it must be a plain and natural yogurt which can be purchased for quite cheap in most stores.
So, no running to the fridge to use that strawberry yogurt that has been sitting in there for a couple of days! The thing with yogurt and yeast infections is that there is active enzymes within the yogurt that effectively fight the enzymes present in the yeast infection and this is the reason why so many people choose to use it.
Admittedly it is not known to be the most attractive cure in the world and a lot of women feel squeamish about smearing the yogurt on their most private parts but it can easily be done at night and then washed off in the shower in the morning and nobody will be any the wiser.
There are a couple of ways in which you can use natural yoghurt although one of the most effective is said to be smearing it on the area that has become infected.
This generally tends to work quicker but it has been known for consuming the yogurt orally being a great preventative method as well as a good cure.
At the end of the day it is down to the individual themselves how they choose to use it but for those that get recurrent yeast infections, it is best to eat at least a little natural yogurt on a daily basis to try and lower the chances of getting the infection again.

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