Blast Your Copywriting & Marketing Profits Into Outer Space...By Answering These Three Questions
f you are interested in exploding the profits of all your marketing promotions...and dramatically driving up the response of your copy...then you need only ask yourself the following three questions:
1.) How can I be more outrageous in my copy and marketing promotions?
2.) How can I create a very distinct, "stand out from everyone else" personality?
3.) How can I actually make my copy and marketing pieces fun to read?
Does this sound almost too simple a solution to sagging profits and unmet profit goals?
This may sound almost too easy, but if you answer these questions...and apply the answers to your business...a whole new world opens up for you.
Here's why:
When you make your ads outrageous -- people will not be able to ignore you.
It was P.T. Barnum's secret over a hundred years ago...and it still works just as well today (if not better, especiallyl amongst all the lifeless "corporate" ads running today).
When you create a unique personality in your ads -- a personality people will remember and associate with whatever you're selling -- people start to identify with you.
In fact, they will sometimes even wrap their buying decisions about your industry around you and what you're doing. And you'll be the very first person who comes to mind. Even if you're not the "best" choice out there.
And finally, when you structure your ads and marketing campaigns so they are actually fun to read...then you'll have people actually looking forward to hearing from you.
When they get your direct mail, email, post cards or read your's not a "chore." It's fun. It's something they do for a good time, and they are more inclined to hear you out and buy what you're selling.
Anyway, as simplistic as it sounds, sitting down and devoting some serious time to answering the three questions above can make a long and lasting impact on your bottom line, your business and your lifestyle for years to come.
1.) How can I be more outrageous in my copy and marketing promotions?
2.) How can I create a very distinct, "stand out from everyone else" personality?
3.) How can I actually make my copy and marketing pieces fun to read?
Does this sound almost too simple a solution to sagging profits and unmet profit goals?
This may sound almost too easy, but if you answer these questions...and apply the answers to your business...a whole new world opens up for you.
Here's why:
When you make your ads outrageous -- people will not be able to ignore you.
It was P.T. Barnum's secret over a hundred years ago...and it still works just as well today (if not better, especiallyl amongst all the lifeless "corporate" ads running today).
When you create a unique personality in your ads -- a personality people will remember and associate with whatever you're selling -- people start to identify with you.
In fact, they will sometimes even wrap their buying decisions about your industry around you and what you're doing. And you'll be the very first person who comes to mind. Even if you're not the "best" choice out there.
And finally, when you structure your ads and marketing campaigns so they are actually fun to read...then you'll have people actually looking forward to hearing from you.
When they get your direct mail, email, post cards or read your's not a "chore." It's fun. It's something they do for a good time, and they are more inclined to hear you out and buy what you're selling.
Anyway, as simplistic as it sounds, sitting down and devoting some serious time to answering the three questions above can make a long and lasting impact on your bottom line, your business and your lifestyle for years to come.