Best Foods for Stomach Health
Despite all the different symptoms, many digestive problems may come from body imbalance, fast eating, bad nutrition, or high stress levels. Here is a listing of herbs that can relieve and cure digestive problems that are temporary.
If you add some of these herbs to your diet and reduce your stress level you may be able to get relief from chronic digestive problems. So here are some home remedies for stomach gas and other digestive problems. You may not even need to go out to get these home remedies for stomach gas, they may be right in your pantry.
By changing your diet you can do a great deal toward reducing your pain from digestive problems. Many foods contain bacteria that is actually good for your intestine and will help it work more efficiently. Also, if you observe carefully you may also be able to identify which foods cause you problems. For instance, you may have an intolerance for lactose (milk sugar) or gluten. When you decrease those foods in your diet you begin to feel much better.
Anise - Drink anise seed tea or add drops of anisette liqueur to alleviate gas. Check the health section of your grocery store or go to your local health food store.
Caraway - Bruise caraway seeds (1 tsp. of seeds to 1 cup boiling water) and 1 cup boiling water and steep for 15 to 30 minutes. Strain and drink.
Cayenne - Add a few grains (up 1/8 tsp.) to chamomile, peppermint, or other suggested digestive teas to relieve feeling of discomfort.
Chamomile - Chamomile is used to control intestinal spasms. Can also be used as an enema or an abdominal poultice.
Cinnamon - The aroma and the volatile oil of this bark are helpful with indigestion and flatulence control. Add it to other herbal teas.
Cloves - Make a tea with 1 tablespoon to a pint of boiling water, or add bruised cloves to other herbal teas.
Coriander - You can prevent gas bubbles from developing in your system if you use this seed in cooking. Many South American dishes call for this spice.
Cumin - Combine it with other herbs in digestive teas.
Dill - Bruise a teaspoon of the seeds and add that to half a cup of boiled water. Steep and strain. This cure can be used safely with infants.
Fennel - This is another outstanding herb to ease stomach-aches. Soak bruised fennel seeds in cold water or in hot to cure digestive problems.
Ginger - In India, Europeans who suffer from indigestion are given ginger tea instead of regular tea. Ginger tea is stimulative and carminative, and is also useful in dealing with infant colic and flatulence.
If you add some of these herbs to your diet and reduce your stress level you may be able to get relief from chronic digestive problems. So here are some home remedies for stomach gas and other digestive problems. You may not even need to go out to get these home remedies for stomach gas, they may be right in your pantry.
By changing your diet you can do a great deal toward reducing your pain from digestive problems. Many foods contain bacteria that is actually good for your intestine and will help it work more efficiently. Also, if you observe carefully you may also be able to identify which foods cause you problems. For instance, you may have an intolerance for lactose (milk sugar) or gluten. When you decrease those foods in your diet you begin to feel much better.
Anise - Drink anise seed tea or add drops of anisette liqueur to alleviate gas. Check the health section of your grocery store or go to your local health food store.
Caraway - Bruise caraway seeds (1 tsp. of seeds to 1 cup boiling water) and 1 cup boiling water and steep for 15 to 30 minutes. Strain and drink.
Cayenne - Add a few grains (up 1/8 tsp.) to chamomile, peppermint, or other suggested digestive teas to relieve feeling of discomfort.
Chamomile - Chamomile is used to control intestinal spasms. Can also be used as an enema or an abdominal poultice.
Cinnamon - The aroma and the volatile oil of this bark are helpful with indigestion and flatulence control. Add it to other herbal teas.
Cloves - Make a tea with 1 tablespoon to a pint of boiling water, or add bruised cloves to other herbal teas.
Coriander - You can prevent gas bubbles from developing in your system if you use this seed in cooking. Many South American dishes call for this spice.
Cumin - Combine it with other herbs in digestive teas.
Dill - Bruise a teaspoon of the seeds and add that to half a cup of boiled water. Steep and strain. This cure can be used safely with infants.
Fennel - This is another outstanding herb to ease stomach-aches. Soak bruised fennel seeds in cold water or in hot to cure digestive problems.
Ginger - In India, Europeans who suffer from indigestion are given ginger tea instead of regular tea. Ginger tea is stimulative and carminative, and is also useful in dealing with infant colic and flatulence.